Be brought to orgasm endlessly for days while all the slimy shit-piles breed with you

From Create Your Own Story

The bumps probe everywhere.

The only place where several are concentrating with constant pressure is in your crotch, one is embedded between your cunt lips against your vaginal opening, one above that one, up against your clit, several pushing around your labia apparently attempting to gain entry, and several sliding through your ass crack, pulsing and squirming over your anus. Your head feels weird. Your hair's not pulling as the bumps move across your scalp.

"Why are they sliding across my scalp?" you ask yourself.

You're certain that you are somehow bald, but in your dozey state you don't even care.

Also you realize in your belly, either side of your belly button, there's a throbbing sensation, about where you figure your ovaries should be. Obviously you're drugged. You feel high as a kite and sooo horny... and strangely calm.

You notice the slime surrounding your legs feels firmer, almost like a pair of big blubbery hands holding them tight and wide apart. Your entire legs are enveloped in tight slime. You are paying particular attention to the bumps in your crotch and you feel like you're climbing to the orgasmic precipice.

The bump against your cunny (you learned to call it cunny from your uncle. Sometimes he called it a cunt too. You love calling your vagina a cunny). The bump against your cunny seems to have gotten excited or something. Apparently right after you started to enjoy what it was doing. It must have smelled your arousal or something you surmise. The others seemed to have smelled you as well and their movements change. They're closing in even tighter, seemingly fighting for access to your crotch. It's getting more difficult to breath.

Clothing naked Health:

female, just lost virginity, hairless and permanent

SexTimes 12
Personality shy and lack confidence
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