Back to the Past- Save the Villagers

From Create Your Own Story

While the Chief is your best friend in this new world, you know full well that the villagers are crucial if you want to have this village survive. As such, you quickly scan the houses for the ones with the less attackers. One by one you enter the houses and strike the attackers without them ever noticing you. Sometimes in time to save the villagers other times you only would kill the attacker to find a dead villager.

It was strange for you, almost as if it was natural, you never hesitated driving your blade through each of those attackers and you almost had a keen ability to just walk unnoticed. After going through the cottages eventually only the chief's house was left. Gathering the villagers you all storm in the house and tackle the remaining the attackers. Two men and one woman. The chief was bleeding but still alive.

After tying up the three attackers you talk with the chief, who is bleeding out. Both of you know he won't survive for long and while you would prefer to give him a moment of peace, instead the chief begins to explain to you the current situation. The attackers were from the previously mentioned neighboring village. They are mostly a tribe of warriors unlike his who are a tribe of hunters. They had attacked because they wanted more territory and had sent what they thought was enough to destroy a dieing village, since of course they didn't know of your existence. The leader of the operation is the woman, she is the daughter of the chief of her village. Just before he dies he gives you the tittle of chief.

Afterwards you proceed to kill the two male attackers, slowly and meticulous with the female attacker watching. Afterwards you begin to examine her. Just like everybody else she is shorter than you, although compared to the rest, she seems to be on the taller side. She's blonde and her body is mostly athletic from what you can tell with her clothes on. Her chest doesn't seem to be anything special which helps you realize that she's never been pregnant yet, something quite rare for women in these times. However looking at her face you can assume why, while she's not ugly, she definitely has a masculine face with stern eyes.


Clothes, Glasses, Lighter, Pocket Knife, Painkillers, Sword and Sheath

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