BSA/Respond calmly

From Create Your Own Story

"Please," you say in as calm a voice as you can muster. "He can't find out about this. I will lose everything." You can't remove the panic from your voice

"It isn't right to keep this from him," he says in a disapproving voice.

"You can't tell him," you says. You can feel the tears streaming down your cheeks. 'How the hell did I let this happen?' you ask yourself.

"Tell him, I was going to show him. He has a right to know." He responds with a voice filled with disappointment.

"That will destroy my marriage. I am your aunt. You can't do this to me,' you say. You didn't mean for your voice to sound so defensive.

"I don't know," he says.

'Perhaps there is a way out of this,' you think to yourself. "Is there anything I can do to keep you from showing him the videos?" you ask with a sorrowful voice. You cannot hide the hope building inside.

"I suppose there are some things you can do, but I still don't think its right," he says with a straight face.

'Perhaps there is a way out of this,' you think. "Anything. Whatever you want. Just keep this between us, please," you says with a lot more hope in your voice than you had just a moment ago. Your tears are no longer streaming down your face.

Does he:

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