BAJ/Goes into shock before acting

From Create Your Own Story

As you see your aunt topless on the TV saying, “Hey, stud.” you watch for your aunt’s reaction. Her face is blank as she tries to register what she is seeing. It is not until the exercise routine starts before her faces turns red. You don’t know if it is from anger or embarrassment, most likely a combination of both, but you don’t really care. It is too late to go back on your plan of blackmail.

You watch as your aunt says, “Turn that off, right now, young man.” Her voice is filled with anger and she is glaring at you with daggers in her eyes.

Holding the remote in the air, you say, “No. I like this show.” You smile at her and wait for her response. ‘Getting close,’ you think.

She stands and places her fists, which are trembling slightly, at her side, “I said turn it off, now.” You can hear the anger in her voice, but she is not screaming. It is almost a whisper.

You look at your aunt, knowing it is time to start the blackmail and say, “I will not turn it off, Aunt Sandy, or should I say Sophie.”

Does she:

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