Ask the second basewoman to come closer

From Create Your Own Story

You keep your foot planted firmly on second base. "As long as that ball is in your mitt, my foot isn't moving off this bag," you say. "But if you come closer to me..."

The second base-woman laughs. "Now, now. No fooling around until after the game is over. If you win, we do anything you boys want. If we win, you have to do anything we want."

"And what did you have in mind if you win?" you inquire.

The second base-woman chuckles. "Let's just say I'd have you put your tongue to a different use than you're putting it now."

She tosses the ball back to the pitcher. You look at the scoreboard and see that it's the bottom of the ninth inning and your team is down 4-3, with two outs.

The next two batters work walks, loading the bases. The pitcher guns a fastball on the inside and the batter turns on it, lancing a hard line drive towards left-center field. You race home and look up to see...

Health Horny Location:

Baseball Field

MP 0
Level 5
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