Ask Brenda what the glowing dildo is

From Create Your Own Story

"There what is?" you ask, directing your eyes towards the glowing green dildo.

"That's the Maltese Dildo," Brenda pants, pushing Debbie's face away from her slit and managing to stagger to her feet.

"Oh, that old thing?" Debbie giggles. "Yeah, found it at the museum a couple days back. I get enough action from real people that I don't really need another dildo."

"Good," Brenda grunts. "I'll take it then." She wobbles over to the dresser and slides the dildo into her quim. Her body shudders and it looks like she's going to fall over.

"You'd better lie down," Debbie says, hauling Brenda back onto the bed. Then while Brenda lies there shaking, Debbie quickly strokes your cock to its full length and climbs on for a ride.

Health Horny Location:

Debbie's Apartment

MP 0
Level 1
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