Ask, "what gift?".

From Create Your Own Story

"In my world, which is very similar to yours, all people have special properties, powers, or abilities much more unique and interesting compared to people in your world. It's still Earth, it's still the Milky Way, it's still all that, just a little more 'interesting". With that last word, he does that quotes thing with his finger, and winks. "The president is the smartest man alive, your buddy Jim has super-strength, your sister Jessica can turn invisible. My power is a little more, shall we say, 'unique'".

He shifts his stance a little, reminding you how much you realize that it's not you standing there in the mirror. He clears his throat before continuing.

"I have the ability to 'borrow' other people's gifts. I can only hold a few at a time, and when I acquire new gifts, I lose the older ones. All I have to do is shake there hand. Super cool, right?"

You nod a bit, your jaw still agape.

"Anyways, right now I have the mail-man's ability to travel to other dimensions, and that's how I'm here. I have the janitor's power to link minds with other people, which is how I'm going to give you a little present, and another one that might just be a little 'too powerful' in the wrong hands."

You're still dumbstruck, so he takes the opportunity to continue:

"I have the ability to mind-control anyone I wish, but with varying degrees of power. If I will someone to do something they've thought about or done before, it's easy as hell, and they don't question it. If I try to get someone to do something they do not think about, or would never do, it still works most times, but they'll be pretty pissed about it. Either way, needless to say, I've kind of fucked up in my own world. I've ruined relationships, I've messed up the economy, and I'd be a dead man if I didn't have the ability to make would-be assassins jump off buildings and stuff."

"I've come here now to give you this gift, and link with your mind. I need to go back to my own dimension, because the time-line gets all wonky and such if I stay here too long, I think. But before I leave, I will give you this gift. Hopefully it'll be less of a burden to you as it was to me, and you might even have some fun with it."

"You'll need to know a few things. One, you need to place your hand on the mirror to meet mine. Two, you will have a tad bit of deja-vu, but it will clear up shortly. Three, this ability is going to come with a lot of my personality. What I mean is, back in my world, being able to control people's minds leads to a load of sex with people who normally wouldn't even look at you. Your libido is going to skyrocket, and you might see the world a little differently. It's a small side-effect, but worth noting. Do be careful."

You're still pretty nervous and suspicious, but he reassures you:

"Listen, man, if this is a dream, you'll just wake up later. If I'm lying, I'm obviously some sort of demon or alien, and I'd just blow up your fucking house. It's really you from another reality, so put your hand on the mirror and let's get this show on the road."

Intrigued, you:

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