Agree to let Tanya fix you up with Svetlana

From Create Your Own Story

"You don't happen to have a picture of Svetlana, do you?" you ask.

"Actually, I do," Tanya repies. She pulls out a recent photo of herself with a very beautiful older lady who is clearly a close relative of Tanya. "That's her, next to me."

"I think we can work out a deal," you say with a smile.

One month later, your new wife is spending her first evening in New York. Her English is surprisingly good, and you wonder if her daughter has been giving her lessons back in Russia.

"So you helped my daughter catch a Russian gangster?" she asks. "Right here in New York?"

"Yes," you say. "I gave her information and her team tracked him down."

Svetlana slides her slim body against yours as you nestle on the couch. "I've been... lonely," she purrs.

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