Advanced Dating/Push Tina away (P)

From Create Your Own Story

As much as you want to fuck Tina, you can't if you want a chance with Maya. She'll find out eventually, and you need time with her. You enjoy the kiss for a few seconds, then gently push Tina away. She looks at you angrily, and you try to explain.

"I can't, Tina. I'm starting a relationship with Maya. I can't do this with you. What if she finds out somehow? I'll never get a chance with her. Please don't be offended. You're gorgeous, and I would love to have sex with you, but I just can't right now. I'm sorry."

"You could have just told me on the phone, you jerk." Tina grabs her dress and pulls it on as she walks out of your room, slamming the door behind her. You are sorry to see her go, but you really want Maya. You've seen most of her body, but the rest is a mystery you still need to solve. You lie awake for hours, wondering if you made the right choice, or if you could have gotten away with sleeping with Tina. You eventually fall asleep, and wake groggily a few hours later to your alarm telling you that you need to get ready.

Go see Maya

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