AOTC: You'll have some fun with her, but not here where you can get caught...

From Create Your Own Story

Taking action over the helpless senator, you wrap her robe over her head, using it expertly to tie her hands and gag her at the same time, using a wire from your suit to finish tying her feet to her legs, carrying the helplessly struggling senator with you as you jetpack out the way you came. No one has noticed you, or even suspected that the senator would be in any trouble, this is good. You carry her to the Slave 1, tying her in the back while you prep for launch. It's too easy to be worth the money you are going to get, you almost feel like a criminal...

After exiting the planetary gravity well, you place the ship on auto pilot, standing and walking back to the very disturbed prisoner still struggling to squeal through the gag over her head. She hasn't even seen you yet, and you have a clear view of her small chest and long thin legs. It seems you have time to spare, and a few opportunities.

Star Wars: The Complete Erotic Saga
Jango Fett
Attack of the Clones

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