AOTC: Tittyfuck time! Try out her brand new, synthflesh tits that she's wearing

From Create Your Own Story

You push Fuxxy to the floor and straddle her metal stomach, the cold metal covered with a coating of a slippery material that makes it perfect for sliding on when you titfuck the mechanical bitch. She obligingly props her tits up, pressing them together to create a cleavage pussy that you happily push your dick into. You ass slides across her smooth belly as you thrust in between her tits. You reach down to grab two handfuls and squeeze, causing her to moan as the pleasure signals hit her verbobrain. You speed up as you continue to knead her synthetic tits, causing her to moan and sigh while her head and legs twitch.

You watch her large tits bounce as you fuck them and you can feel your cock beginning to swell. "Fuxxy, in your mouth!" You shout as you feel the load starting to fight your restraint. Fuxxy quickly takes your cock all the way into her mouth and you unleash your spunk down her vacuum-powered throat into her third womb.

AOTC: Fuck her one the spot! (Missionary)
AOTC: Fuck her on the spot! (Doggystyle)
AOTC: Fuck her against the wall!
AOTC: Skullfuck that sexy droid!
AOTC: That's enough for now, time to visit the library

Star Wars: The Complete Erotic Saga
Obi-Wan Kenobi
Attack of the Clones

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