AOTC: Take her alive and bring her on slave one

From Create Your Own Story

As she walks down an alley between Jahatva's Bar and a droid repair shop, you sneak up above the roof tops and follow her. She senses something is wrong and stops. You quickly toss a rock at her. She easily stops it in mid air, but not before you toss your concussion grenade. Completely off guard, the blast renders her unconscious. You jump off the roof top and land beside her with the help of your jet pack and grab her. In a blink of an eye, you fly away with her in your arms to your ship.

Aboard the Slave One

Star Wars: The Complete Erotic Saga
Jango Fett
Attack of the Clones
Health 100/100 Equipment:

40 Concussion Grenades, EMP Grenade Lancher, 148,999 Credits, Blaster,sniper rifle, Slave I

MP 100/100
Level {{{Level}}}

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