AOTC: Isn't Anakin's mom from this planet? Qui-Gon had pretty good things to say about her...

From Create Your Own Story

Your memory flashes to Shimi Skywalker, young Anakin's mom who was a slave on this planet. You've never met her personally but Qui-Gon talked to you about her his last days at the Temple. You smile, mostly remembering Anakin's few training sessions with you have been filled with whiny bullshit, a majority of it about her. You imagine how pissed little bitch Anakin would be if you fucked his mommy and your mind is made up.

You research around finding out that she has long since been sold from her previous owner. In fact she's been sold a lot since then, and from what you can make of it her jobs aren't usually housework...

Finally you track down her last owner. You put on a show like you've been sent by the council for some important jedi business and the man tells you everything you need to know...

Where is she?

Star Wars: The Complete Erotic Saga
Mace Windu
Attack of the Clones

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