AOTC: Finish the job you were hired to do, slit her throat.

From Create Your Own Story

You slam her forehead down on her desk, stunning her just long enough for you to grab a fistful of hair, yank back, and slice her throat wide open. You crush her against the desk as she bleeds out, feeling her body thump against yours a few more times as she dies. Blood jets, then pools on the smooth surface, running down her long white Senators robes, irreparably staining them. After a few more pathetic gurgles she's gone, not even twitching. You let her slide to the floor, wiping some streaks of blood off of your armor.

That was the easy part, now you've got to decide what's next. You could leave her body, easier and less opportunity of getting caught...however you do like a bit of mystique in your work and leaving the blood as evidence of your work but with no body could be nicely dramatic too. In any case you've got to get going before you found; what do you do Fett?

Star Wars: The Complete Erotic Saga
Jango Fett
Attack of the Clones

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