AOTC: Anakin Skywalker: Go to the Temple kitchens

From Create Your Own Story

Anakin Skywalker

Belly rumbling after your long flight from Ansion, you decide to pay a visit to the kitchens along the hallway of the accommodation sector. It's approaching midnight, so you know the other Jedi on this level will be fast asleep, sticking as they do to their rigorous training regimes. You have always been a little more carefree.

You pad along the hallway, dressed only in your sleeping pants, and turning the corner, find a soft light glowing in the kitchen. You pause, not expecting anyone to still be up, but another rumble from your belly propels you forward.

Entering the kitchen, you notice a young woman peering into the large refrigeration unit in the corner, a golden glow spilling out from inside. Her tousled brown hair falls to her shoulders, and her slim figure is wrapped in a thin nightgown. You lean on the counter, watching her search the contents of the fridge, taking notice of the way her back arches pleasingly as she bends to the lower shelves. Finally, she finishes her search and turns.

She gasps as she catches sight of you, framed in the doorway. "Oh! Anakin! I didn't think anyone would be up...."

You recognize the slender girl as Aubrie Wyn, a fellow Padawan and your occasional sparring partner in the training grounds. While an adept duelist in her own right, you've noticed she always seems to lose focus whenever you'd enter the dojo bare-chested for your next spar, or after building up a sheen of sweat after a rigorous workout. You smile, wondering if you might help yourself to one kind of midnight treat, or another.

Star Wars: The Complete Erotic Saga
Anakin Skywalker
Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones

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