AOTC: Anakin Skywalker: Enter the room now and talk to Padmé

From Create Your Own Story

Anakin Skywalker

With the clear desire to be with that woman, you decide it best to approach her candidly and with her knowing. You are more than confident in your own capabilities of bringing her to see the reasoning of your ways.

You unfold your arms and turn to her door. In a few steps, the double-panel doors slide open apart, and you enter with a conqueror’s countenance. The room is dimly lit by the city lights venturing inside through a tinted window covered by partially closed blinds. It is somewhat spacious, with few decorations and furniture. R2-D2 stands "asleep" aside the bed, close to the window. As you approach, its main light faintly turns on as its head tilts to see you. You know, deep down, that whatever you intend to do today will not be hindered by R2. You two have history together, and the robot is on your side. Still, you desire privacy... But before you ask it to shut down, the most important detail in the room, the sole focus of your thoughts, Padmé Amidala, the most beautiful lady your eyes have ever set upon, sits upright. She wears a light, soft gown made of silk, and is covered up to her waist by a very large, red eiderdown.

"Ani? What are you doing here, is everything alright?" She pulls up her cover lightly.

In response, you calmly look to R2 and ask him: "R2, I would like to talk to Padmé privately." The astromech droid beeps softly, turns its head back to the front, and its lights shut down.

You will now convince Padmé that you two belong together. And, that that was enough reason for you to come into her room in the middle of the night, when you should be guarding the apartment instead.

Qui-Gon Jinn was a Jedi Master truly knowledgeable on the art of mind control. He used, and sometimes even abused, his power. His teachings never quite came to pass on to your master on this subject, even though you've noticed Master Kenobi practicing them on minor affairs consistently. You, then, are even farther down the line on learning this power with mastery, but you have noticed that you can sense the feelings of people attached to you emotionally quite powerfully, and to an extent, even influence them… although you've never confirmed that.

As your anticipation grows and your excitement builds up, you can feel adrenaline slowly surging in you as your plan pans out, and with these emotion, so do your sensations of the Force grows. You find you can focus even more intensely on Padmé than ever before. You concentrate on her mind, and though you cannot "read" her thoughts, you can feel some anticipation reflected. Perhaps even a hint of eagerness.

Star Wars: The Complete Erotic Saga
Anakin Skywalker
Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones

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