The United Kingdom

From Create Your Own Story

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You have chosen the United Kingdom. This once grand Empire has been stripped of its vast tracts of land slowly but surely by rebel groups and is now isolated to a few islands just across the Channel from Dunkirk, a highly contested peninsula from which German planes are launched whenever they gain control of the area. Night after night, bombs were dropped over the capital city of London during the summer and fall of '40, but this fair nation came through, as strong as ever.

During the first great war, the British military experimented with immortality making soldiers unable to age and immune to poison and disease by modifying their bloodstreams to constantly refresh their blood. These soldiers were dubbed the hemonauts.

Now the army faces a new threat on the battlefield that trench warfare and resistance to noxious gas and tetanus won't be enough to combat. The Germans have unleashed hordes of hideous beasts, not too dissimilar to the hounds of war they set loose during the last war, but these were tougher. It took more than a bullet to take these bastards down, and many could withstand a fair amount of shelling. They quickly overtook the trenches. Dunkirk was lost in two days; they are closing on Paris once more.

Military scientists and biologists from across the British Isles gathered in London in 1941 to come up with a simple tactic in word only. It's actual execution would be nigh on impossible. They were to fight fire with fire: create their own race of mutated creatures. It was brought up that beasts of that sort would be unruly and difficult to control, which would be of no concern to the Nazis, for they controlled much land, and a rogue beast would starve to death, but Britain was small, and a loosed hell hound would ravage the citizens. It was decided that the British war beasts would be of human origin. Work began right away to produce an army of super soldiers.

Fifteen hundred volunteers from across the nation were gathered in London the next month for operations to begin. Experiment after experiment died under the knife, but after a number of failures, the surgeons successfully produced their first mutant, and then another, and then another. Of the original fifteen hundred, only 286 were reported as having survived the procedure, though many were successfully cloned shortly afterwards. By the time June of 1942 rolled around, a total of 372 of these creatures -- "Synthetones" they were called -- existed in London, including the almost one hundred clones that were made.

Many variations of Synthetone existed. There were those who could lift more than ten times their own weight, and those that could slash through any material presented to them, and those that could change their form at will, but they all had some traits in common. They could all regrow or reattach limbs in mere hours. They all had multiples of every vital organ, and some had multiples of organs necessary to their specific type. They could all withstand drastically more stress on their muscles, joints, and bones than a regular human. And, most strangely, they all had a mutation from the radiation treatments that caused a bark-like substance to grow on their skin over a long period of time. After ten years, it may be a patch large enough only to cover one's nose, but ten years is no time at all for creatures who cannot grow old, get sick, or die under most circumstances.

That's not to say that they are fully immortal. Already one has been lost when she attempted to crawl inside of an artillery shell storehouse and sabotage it. She destroyed the base, but she was never found.

Choose wisely, for the type of being which you choose to be will drastically affect the way you play this game that the normal humans call "war".


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