FOTR/the crossing of Caradhras

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The fellowship presses on, but at great cost. Gandalf's human body is too frail to help anyone but himself, and all of his energy is spent casting protection spells against the hurling boulders and blinding snow. Aragorn carries Frodo, and Legolas carries Sam - but Boromir and Gimli are not strong enough to both carry Merry and Pippin and keep moving forward. Both refuse to leave the young hobbits behind. The rest of the fellowship continues on without them, and hopes for the best.

Finally, the five remaining members of the fellowship reach the Dimrill Stair that leads down into Azanulbizar, near the exit from Moria. They pause briefly and mourn the loss of four of their companions - a terrible cost indeed. As they leave the valley, they pass the doors to Moria and wonder if that option would have somehow been even worse.

Accompanied by Gandalf, the party arrives in Lothlorien. Gandalf consults with Galadriel - together, they peer into her mirror and try to interpret the visions they see. It was clear that the quest must continue - but there were many ways that could be undertaken.


What should Gandalf do?

  • Travel with a battalion of Lorien Archers to Minas Tirith, preparing to help defend the city against Sauron's looming attack.
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