Hop off the bike and try to settle Jessica down

From Create Your Own Story

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You slip off your bike and step in front of Melony, shielding her from the charging Jessica.

"Out of my way, nerd-boy," Jessica growls. "I have a score to settle."

"Hold it," you reply. "What's going on?"

"She called me an airheaded bimbo," Jessica snarls.

"And...?" you prompt.

"What do you mean, and? I can't let her get away with that!" Jessica punctuates her statement by grabbing you by the shirt collar.

You turn your head towards Melony. "Did you call her an airheaded bimbo?"

Melony nods. "She called me a dweebish loser."

Jessica grumps, "Well, you are a dweebish loser!"

"Hold it!" you snap. Both girls are surprised by your change in tone. Jessica hastily sets you back down. "Why don't you work together? Jess, you help Melony with her social skills, and Melony, in return you tutor her."

The two girls look at each other for a long moment, then smile and hug each other. Your work here is done.

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Health 100 Equipment:

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Social Group Nerd
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