Ongoing Story\Go with the Amazons

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Chapter 14: Captive of the Amazons

It seems you have no choice but to go along with the wishes of the Amazons. After all, you don’t fancy trying to outrun a bunch of flying arrows.

As you are lead through the Amazon jungle towards the camp of the Amazons, you are able to get some information out of your captors. You learn that most of them are Westerners who had got fed up with the cities, their lives and their men and decided to form their own “Women Only” tribe where they could be free to do as they pleased. They opted for the Amazon Rainforest, where they could live without being noticed and they chose to take on the legendary name of the Amazons, even to the point of killing or imprisoning any men they happened to come across.

It was a real feminist society….. and as with most feminists, a lesbian one……

You shudder to think what services you might be expected to perform.

The Amazon camp is much like you would have expected for jungle inhabitants. Grass huts, some in the trees, others on the ground. There are dirt tracks amongst the huts, a well for collection of water, areas to relax and eat. There is even a stream running through the middle which was currently being used as a bathing area by a group of naked Amazonian woman.

As the two of you are led through the camp, other Amazon women appear. They are all young beautiful women and watch you with intrigue. You arrive at a large hut, bigger and nicer than all the others. You are advised that this is the hut of the Amazon Queen, Bonke.

Bonke appears before you. She is extremely beautiful, voluptuous and sexy. She steps up to you and Johanna and looks at you in a friendly manner.

“Well well.” She says, “You have all done well. These two are very nice…. Very nice indeed.” She reaches out and cups her hand over your breast, “How old are you sweetie?”

“13.” You reply.

“So young…. I’ve never had a slave girl so young…..”

“Slave?” You ask. “Aren’t you going to help us get home?”

“Home? You must be joking! You can never leave here. Nobody must ever know about this tribe. But you can stay here with us. And you will. You will stay and do exactly as you are told if you wish to stay alive.” She looks you both over, touching your bodies here and there, spreading your butt cheeks apart, squeezing and pulling your nipples, fingering the light growth of hair on your pussy. “Decisions decision.” Queen Bonke say, “How would you like to come and keep me company for a bit?” What do you do now?

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