SM:Donut Shop - Glazed Donut

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 07:31, 20 December 2011 by Captain.Devonin (Talk | contribs)
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"I'll take the one with glaze," you say while pointing at it.

The man grumbles as the woman takes a napkin, scoops up the donut, and hands it to you. You snatch it away from her and start gobbling it up. You're about half-way through it in only a few seconds when you realize this may be the last thing you get to eat so you pace yourself, breaking off pieces and munching on those to savour the flavour.

"Wow, you weren't kidding when you said you were hungry," the woman says just as your stomach lets out a loud groan.

You're finishing off the last of the donut and licking the glaze from your fingers when you hear coughing and choking noises start up behind you.

You whirl around to see that the fat man, who hadn't ceased stuffing his face with donut after donut, is unsurprisingly now choking on his donuts. He probably wishes he shared some now.

You glance around and get the feeling that if anyone is going to do something it is going to have to be you.

The man with the newspaper casually ignores the fat man, while the couple stare at him in stunned silence either unable, or unwilling, to assist. Even the workers behind the counter who probably should have first aid training do nothing but stare.

Do you:

Sixty Minutes -- Current Status
Time Remaining 18:00
Location Pacific Mall: Donut Shop
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