5 degrees, engines cut off

From Create Your Own Story

Your Spitfire rocks and lurches when it crashes into the water, causing your helmeted head to hit the dashboard so hard that you are momentarily dazed. The good news is that you're alive against all odds! The bad news is that the plane is sinking quickly. Overcoming your momentary state of shock, you scramble out of the cockpit and swim to the nearest shore.

Oh, just great. Not only are you stranded in enemy-controlled territory, but you no longer have your cargo. Luckily, there appears to be a road nearby, and according to your compass it more or less leads in the general direction of the drop zone.

If you dropped your cargo before landing, you can try to find it. If you left it in the hold of your plane, there is no way to retrieve it, and in this case you have no choice but to Take the road to the drop zone to meet with the Resistance.

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