"Would you? I'd love to get tied up and taken rough by him!"

From Create Your Own Story

The bartender grins at you, finishing up his last wipe-down of the bar. "I can do that," he says. Then he gives you a look up and down, and says, "if you promise to call me in a week or two when you're recovered."

That makes you blink, but you nod, and the bartender leaves, laughing. You watch him approach the bartender, and hear their voices, though you can't make out the words. The bouncer turns to look at you, and his gaze is electric, even across the room. He nods at you, smiling in a way that looks predatory, and you nod back. He gestures for you to come over, and you get off the bar stool and head across the nearly empty bar.

"Mike here will get you ready," he says, nodding at the bartender. The bartender shakes his head, but when the bouncer offers him some keys, Mike takes them. He opens the door to the bar, and you glance at the bouncer, a little confused.

"Go on," the bouncer says. "I'll be with you in maybe half an hour, tops."

Confused, you walk out into the parking lot with the bartender, who leads you to a four-door car parked at the far back of the parking lot. He presses a button on the key-chain, and the trunk opens. You blink.

Inside the trunk, there's a gag, and two sets of handcuffs, and a bunch of other stuff, including rope, and some black cloth, a paddle...

"Last chance to get off the ride," Mike says, bumping shoulders with you. "I won't leave you black and blue, but I'll leave you satisfied. What do you say?"


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