"No fires, but you're smoking hot."

From Create Your Own Story

The stocky man raises a thick eyebrow and looks you up and down. You do the same.

The man's got a really masculine thing going for him -- he's really strong looking, and you can't help but wonder just how hairy he is under that sleeveless shirt. And while he may not be anyone's idea of "handsome," there's something so masculine and sexy about him... One of your friends labeled guys like this as "uglyhot."

"I don't pay for it, boy," he says.

You blink, then realize what he's saying. "I'm not a prostitute," you say, and you feel your face burn red hot.

"Oh," the big guy says, no hint of apology. "Can't blame me. You don't look old enough to be in here, and you wanderin' wit' no shirt, and you don't think you're gonna get mistaken for a whore?"

Your blush increases. "I had a shirt when I went in..." You realize how that sounds, and bite your lip.

"Ah, so you were having fun in there, eh?"

"I was, but then this other guy..." You feel even more like a slut for even saying that much. You trail off.

"I'm Mac," he says, and offers a hand. You introduce yourself and shake - he's got a strong grip, and a rough hand.

"So what brings you out tonight, if you're not looking to pick up a couple of tricks in a bathroom?" Mac asks.

"It's my birthday," you say. "First time here. I didn't go in there with two guys..."

"Yeah, I prefer things one-on-one myself," he looks you up and down. "My first time here, too," the guy says. "In the city for a conference." He regards you. "Happy Birthday."

"Thanks," you say.

"What d'ya say we cut the bullshit, kid? I can tell you're horny from the way your dick is filling your pants, and lord knows if I'd found you in that bathroom, I'd be fuckin' you in half by now. I love fuckin' boyass and you look like the sorta slut who wants his little pussy busted wide open. And it seems to me that any moment now those two guys are gonna be coming out of there and they'll be wanting to reintroduce themselves to you," Mac says. "So unless you want a reunion, maybe you need to head somewhere else. Like, say, my hotel." He hasn't cracked a smile once, and you're not sure if he's teasing you. He's got this really masculine thing going for him - again, he's not handsome, but he's really strong looking, and you can't help but wonder just how hairy he is under that sleeveless shirt, given the hair all over his arms. But he's more than a little intimidating.

You gulp and turn even redder. Your eyes can't help but glance down at his crotch. There is a tremendous bulge there, snaking down his left leg. Your asshole involuntarily puckers, and you feel it tingle a little.

You say...

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