Zoe:Abandon post

From Create Your Own Story

You hear screams in the main street.

Some random lady is being raped by two guys on the top of a car. While one of them is ass fucking her the other one is sucking her breast. Once they're done they leave the body laying there and move on in search of another victim. You're terrified.

Somebody on the top of a building is holding a small girl over the edge of a building across the street. It looks like they are kissing. After a short while the figure drops the body that splatters after interminable seconds on the pavement.

A police patrol slowly crashes into a wall. One of the front doors open, a policeman tries to climb out of the car just to be violently pulled back inside.

Two teenagers run down the street chased by a group of men. You can still hear their screams after they turn around the corner.

An old lady is beaten to a pulp by a young boy. Afterwards, he covers himself with the guts of his victim.

A shadowy figure climbs the façade of a building at supernatural speed and crawls into an open window.

Monroeville is being taken over by vampires. It's hell on earth.

You crawl from shadow to shadow avoiding the vampires and after a long 20 minutes walk, full of terrifying visions, you get to your apartment. The main door is open. You enter and climb the stairs. Your floor's lights are all off. Tumbling in the darkness you reach you're door when you realize that you left your keys at work.

You have two options.

You gave a copy to your neighbor, Felix, a couple of weeks ago. His door is open but you don't feel like entering the dark apartment.

The other options is crawling out the window in the hall and walking on the narrow ledge to your own window. You've always been afraid of heights.

What will it be?

The narrow ledge?

The impenetrable darkness of Felix's apartment?

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