Your brother asks you to watch an adult movie

From Create Your Own Story

After a bit, you realise it's a bit too quiet. You go check out on them and you realise they've left the living room. When you go look for them, you find them in your father's room. Just as you arrive, Johnny pulls out a box underneath your father bed.

"johnny ?! what are you doing ?" you ask.

You aproach the two boys and look at the box. There's alot of stuff in there.. weird stuff. but you get the general idea of what all this is intended for.

"oh nothing much. just sifting through dad's stuff." he says non-chalantly.

"Does dad know ?" you ask angrily.

"hrm. not really. but you won'T tell him right ?" he says with a confident grin.

You sigh in defeat. He looks down and grab one of the tape left on top of it. he looks to kevin with a smile. :"want to watch the good stuff ?"

Kevin looks at him abit nervously and nods. He then looks at you. "You should watch it with us sis."

You hesitate a little but after taking a look at his face, you realise he's not giving you much of a choice.

You sigh:"I'l go get pop-corn..." you drop and head down the kitchen. When you get back to the living room, the two boys have already putted in the movie and have taken seats on the couch.


Requirements: This is a story about a young girl written in second person.

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