You run into the woods that surround the mall on three sides

From Create Your Own Story

All of a sudden, you are thinking this wasn't such a good idea after all. You can hear shouts and the sounds of running feet coming from behind you.

Not wanting to be caught, you run for the trees that surround the mall. The mall is on the edge of town and is surrounded by trees on three sides. You should be able to shelter in the trees.

It doesn't take you long to reach the treeline. You run into the woods, dodging and weaving around trees and trying to avoid loose branches.

You have no idea how long you run, or how far, before you finally stop. When you stop, it's because you have no choice. You can't run any further. You are gasping for air. You look around, wondering as you do how far you are from the mall. You listen for sounds of pursuit, but you can't hear any. You wonder how long ago the guards stopped chasing you, and you realize you have no idea.

You also have no idea exactly where you are. You look around again. All you can see are trees on all sides. The mall, you think, is probably behind you. That means your condo should be to your right. It will take a long walk to get back home, and you probably won't make it until well after dark.

To your left is a road, much closer than your home. You could reach that, then look for someone who will help a damsel in distress.

Where do you go?:

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