You pass a field where a touch football game is being played

From Create Your Own Story

You are getting plenty of attention in this sexy bikini. You have a fine body to begin with, and this bikini does nothing to hide it. Everyone you pass gives you some kind of a look, many of them long and lingering. You enjoy the attention, and start walking with your hips swinging.

As you look for the pool, following signs that turn out not to be too clear, you pass a large, well-maintained flat field where a mixed group of boys and girls seem to be throwing a football around. Some of them, you notice, are looking at you. You stop to check out the action. As you do, a guy and a girl walk over. The guy is tall, buff, dark-haired. He is wearing shorts and a football jersey. The girl is also tall, blonde, with very big breasts and a high, tight, butt. She's wearing exercise clothes -- spandex shorts and a t-shirt, tied in a knot just below her breasts.

"Hey, there," the guy says. "I was wondering if you could help us out."

"What can I do for you?" you say. "I was just heading to the pool for a swim."

"I'm Brian," the guy says. "We need one more player for touch football. Would you be willing to play?"

You enjoy playing football. The pool can wait. And this would be a good chance to meet some people. "Sure," you say. "I'll help out."

"Great," Brian says. "We're playing Shirts and Skins."

You catch movement. You turn that way. As you watch, Shawna unties the knot on her shirt and takes it off, revealing her impressive DDs. You notice with some interest that, unlike you, she has no tan lines -- at least, not above the waist. "I'll be on Skins," she says.

"What the heck are you doing?" Bryan says, his tone of voice suggesting that he is going through the motions and, in fact, can't believe his luck.

"I'm in Pi Pi Pi," Shawna says with a smile as she drops her top on the ground. She seems to be completely unselfconscious about the amount of attention her bare breasts are almost certainly attracting. "The girls of Pi Pi Pi always play Skins." She seems to be looking right at you as she says this, but you can't be certain.

You look at the kids on the field. Several of the guys, you see, have taken their shirts off. There are several other girls besides Shawna, but she appears to be the only girl playing topless. You suppose none of the others are Pi Pi Pi's.

You look at Shawna, at Brian, then at the field. Are you really prepared to admit you're in Pi Pi Pi and play football topless? Or should you lie and say you will play skins? Or tell them you've changed your mind, and go to the pool after all?

And does Shawna know you are a Pi Pi Pi pledge?

What do you do?

Pi Pi Pi Applying Clothing

shear black bikini

Rules 1&2
Fucks 0
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