You find the pool. There are both guys and girls there.

From Create Your Own Story

You reach the pool after about a half hour. You are aware of getting lots of attention on the way, most of it from guys, but some from girls. You aren't surprised: you do look amazing in this bikini, in fact, in any bikini. You are rather turned on by the time you reach the pool.

The pool is in one wing of the university's large athletic building. It is a large pool, and fairly new, as far as you can tell. The pool is Olympic sized, and in use. You can see a half-dozen or so students, an equal mix of guys and girls, some splashing around in the shallow end of the pool, others swimming laps. The guys are all in board shorts. Two of the girls are in bikinis, the third is in a one-piece suit.

Close to the entry door is a short hallway that leads to locker rooms. You put your towel in an open locker, them come back out to the pool.

The guys, you see, are watching you. You nonchalantly stroll to the diving board. You climb on to the board and walk out to the end.

Do you:

Pi Pi Pi Applying Clothing

shear black bikini

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Fucks 0
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