Wrap your legs around her so she can't escape

From Create Your Own Story

You quickly wrap your legs around her, pinning her in place. She raises one eyebrow.

“Oh, alright, just a little bit longer,” she winks, then starts to bounce her hips again. You notice that she didn’t take much convincing.

She’s soon riding you frantically, knowing that this is the end of your passionate sex session and wanting to make the most of it. Her hips thump down against yours, your cock stuffing her full each time. Again and again she cums on your dick.

You thrust back at her downward strokes, watching her in utter lust. Her whole body shakes with the force of your sex, her huge breasts shaking wonderfully. The sight pushes you ever-closer to release and with a final howl of ecstasy, you cum.

Your seed bursts into her womb, and she cums at the same time, her pussy clamping down hard. When you’re both done, she gulps down air, then shakily climbs from the bed.

Then she dresses, unsteady on her feet, before sliding the sheets back over your cock.

“I’m so dick drunk I can barely stand,” she giggles, steadying herself on the edge of the bed. “But I have to get back to my rounds. Sadly, I don’t think I’ll be able to sneak back in here again. For one thing, Katie wouldn’t allow it. But I can try getting a female patient transferred into your room. Would you like that?"

Do you:

Health Horny, with your arms in casts Location:

The Hospital

MP 0
Level 1
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