Wrack your brain for options on gearing up, losing a little time

From Create Your Own Story

You lock the doors on the car and try to think of what all you might need. It's dark, it's raining, and it's starting to get a bit cold. Plus, there are crazy people out there who don't mind harming others. Or want to, maybe. I mean, look at what happened to Melanie, and she was just trying to sleep. Maybe you should get a gun. Some ammo. Something to protect yourself and the women while you hole up and wait for all this to pass. Then again, what if it doesn't pass? Then you're going to need more food, water, and clothing. Clothing for now. Clothing for winter. Other people will be looking for the same thing and -

Your thoughts are shattered by the loud thump of something on the window next to your head. You look out and see the sore-marked face of a woman, who's screaming something. You can't hear anything but the rain and thunder now, but as lightning flashes and illuminates the area, you realize the parking lot is now full of more of these pustule faced maniacs.

Before you can turn the car engine over, one smashes through the glass on the passenger side, and another smashes out the back window. You reach for flashlight to protect yourself, but they're in the car quick and already on you. You scream for help as they use a few shards of the broken out windows to start flaying the skin from your arms. You desperately fight against the two, but soon all four doors or open and you're being drug out into the rain.

It's horrible what they do to you with all that broken glass. Horrible.

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