Waking up on the island (Exchange Student) (f)

From Create Your Own Story

You wake up to find that the sun has nearly finished setting, and realise that you cannot swim back to land in the dark, so you set about finding a spot to stay on the island, after a short time you find a cave and sit down inside, you lean back against a wall and contemplate on what has happened, at this point you realise that the wall is far softer than it should be, and you hear a deep growl you scramble away from the wall and run out of the cave, but hear a deep thumping following you. You have just made it back to the beach when you are knocked over by an impact from behind you, you turn on the ground to see a pack of massive wolves standing behind you, do you...

Status Bar
Health 100 Equipment:

You are filled with eels and fish, also a small metal dildo

Status {{{Status}}}
Gender Female
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