Wake up the next morning, when your Granddad opens your cell

From Create Your Own Story

The sound of your cell opening startles you and your mate awake. It's your Grandfather along with two guards, and you hold your elf mate protectively from him.

"Enjoyed your present, I see." he says.

You don't respond, still afraid they're going to execute her. She nestles in close to you, holding you by your arm and chest, just as afraid for her life as your are. The king seems oddly amused by this.

"I thought you hated orcs, Emera." he says.

"Emera?" you ask.

Your mate looks down and says, "That's my name."

The king laughs. "You fucked her, and didn't even know her name?"

"Names don't matter to us orcs! All that matters is the person, and she is a beautiful person. That's all I care about, and I will protect her with my life." you retort.

You feel Emera, your mate tremble in your arms. She still fears you, yet continues to cling to you for protection and warmth.

"I must admit," your grandfather says, "I admire your fortitude, orc. Very well, she may live the rest of her years as your mate. But no longer is she an elf, she will be deemed an orc, and is henceforth banished from the elvan kingdoms, forever."

"F-forever?" she quietly whispers. "What about my father?"

The king grows quiet, until he utters, "Normally your treachery and sentence would pass to him, but he is my friend and will allow him to be banished with you. Whether or not your mate's village will accept him is an entirely different manner."

She looks at you, her eyes pleading for a positive answer.

Health Horny, mated to Emera Equipment:


Experience Inexperienced
HP 80
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