Wake up and get dressed.

From Create Your Own Story

Shrugging on your clothing carefully, you can't believe how bad the pain still is. You can barely stand, but you manage to long enough to slip on your trousers and shirt. You hear the door unlock, and cower down as Cassandra comes in, brandishing the gun.

She moves to check on Melaine, gun still trained on you. "Where are your car keys?" She asks.

You move slowly to pull them from your pocket, then slide them across the floor to her. You aren't taking chances with your butthole anymore.

"Your friend is dead," Cassandra says. "I'm sure she's grateful to have escaped you." She picks up the car keys and motions with the gun for you to move into the corner. You do.

"I'm leaving. I'm taking your car. The storm has let up, but I'd advise against going anywhere." She turns and heads out of the room, leaving you to stare at Melanie's corpse.

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