Wait for her to confirm the second pregnancy

From Create Your Own Story

The next day you meet an ashen-faced Valerie outside school.

"I was told I had a condition called superfetation," she says as if that were a lethal disease.

"Super... what?" you say even you think you know.

"Apparently, my body keeps producing eggs even when I'm pregnant. So you were right, Brandon. I'm carrying a second child!"

You didn't know the doctors had a name for your demonic powers, but whatever.

"Now, now, sis..." you start, while you sneak one hand under her skirt and push four fingers deep into her pussy with familiar ease.

"No, Brandon!" She grabs you by the shoulders. She does nothing to remove your fingers.

"What is it, big sis?" you say and pull down her dress to free her breasts.

"Don't you get it?" she says and pulls up the dress again. Her nipples still peek out over the top, and you pick one to hold between your thumb and forefinger. You fuck her gently with your other hand, mashing her clit with your thumb.

"Oh, fuck..." she says and sighs. "You know I can't stop you from fucking me," she says and looks you in the eye. "But the doctors say that I could get pregnant again."

Do you:

You are possessing:
12th Grade Boy
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