Wait and see what Cindy does next.

From Create Your Own Story

Cindy really starts working on her tits, squeezing and fondling the mounds she's been blessed with as she uses her fingers to roll and pull at her horny nipples. "Awe fuck!' She moans, her thighs working against each other under the sheet causing to slip farther off her body till is comes down past her hips, exposing her smooth, wet cunny to your demon eyes. As soon as as her pussy is expose she turns on of her tits free in order to ram a fucking into her horny pussy. "Oh fuck! God damn it..., why the fuck am I so horny right now." She whines as she pounds two fingers into her tight cunny, continue to pull her horny nipple with her other hand. It's obvious that your increased pheromone production is starting to have effect on her.

With out warning she stop and pulls her self out of bed, grabbing the sheet off her bed and wrapping her self up in it, giving you an all to brief look at her completely naked. Once wrapped up and her body for the most part covered up, she walks towards her door, forcing you to retreat back around. the corner. "Tessa, you better be dressed and ready to leave... I am going to toss some clothes on so I can drive you to school." That must have been why she was forced to stop masturbating, her daughter probably missed the bus.

Thanks to a vent right by where you are hiding you can clearly hear whats going on down in the living room where Tessa is at. "Oh God.., Eric...," Tessa moans lustily, "... we got to stop, hand me my panties." There a brief pause. "Coming Mom!" Tessa yells out as you hear the front door open an close shortly followed by Tessa running up the stairs to meet her mother right in the door way of the master bedroom.

"Tessa you need to get dressed right now!" her mother lectures sternly. You peak carefully around the corner to see Cindy still wrapped in her sheet and Tessa standing in front of her in a short night shirt that barely comes down to her hips, leaving the crest of her pink panties exposed. Tessa's nipple are poking obviously through the material of her nightshirt that's populated by teddy bears and bunny rabbit with the words 'Good girl' scrolled across the top of it. Her face has a slight blush to it, as does Cindy's as she does her best to keep a parental tone of voice despite being as horny as you know she is.

"You know mommy..., we could just stay home and cuddle." Tessa whispers seductively as she slips her arms around her mother's neck, taking a stepping closer to her so their bodies are pressed against one another. "Daddy won't be home till late tonight and Mandy won't be home from school till at least 4, we can just stay naked in your bed all afternoon like last time." Tess cooed as she leaned in to kiss Cindy but her mother pulled away. Mandy must have been the cute little 7 year old you panted on the school bus to cover your escape.

"Tessy I told you after last time that can't happen again, I should have never let my self get so horny that I took you into my bed like that." Cindy tells her daughter, though her voice doesn't sound all that convincing, especially considering what she had just been doing and the fact there is nothing under that sheet. Tessa is unconvinced as well and grabs the bottom of her night shirt and seductively starts to pull it up her body, slowing her exposing her D cupped tits and large puffy nipples to her mother who takes a sharp, shuddering breath in.

Now standing there in just her panties, Tessa move up against Cindy once more and wraps her arms around her neck again. "Are you sure mommy..," Tessa says huskily, 'I got these big knockers from you, don't you want to squeeze and suck on them." She then starts kissing her mother's neck who has started to moan as she sheet covering her body starts to part in the center slowly. "You sure enjoyed licking my pussy and fucking my pretty 'widdle' face last time daddy took a trip." She cooed as you can see Cindy's hands start to emerge from the sheet inching closer and closer to her little girl's big jugs. "Common on mommy, take me to your bed so we can fuck all day. And when Mandy gets home from school we can both fuck her too."

That was all Cindy could take, She dropped the sheet to the floor as she crammed her lips onto her horny daughter and took her in a passionate, tongue driving kiss. She reached up and grabbed one of Tessa's firm titties and wrapped her other arm around her body as she started to pull her daughter into her bedroom and on to her king sized bed. By the time you move into position Cindy is on her back with Tessa straddling her waist, having her enormous tits sucked and squeezed by her sexy 13 year old daughter.

Host Tyler Enhancements:

7 inch cock, Amplified pheromones, Improved reflexes, strength and stamina.

Gender Male
Age 9
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