VRX 9000: Sex Games / SMP1 - Everywhere Else - Part 2

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VRX 9000: Sex Games

5) The Spring Cabin Series - Popular Pornstars

The Secret Mission Phase - Part 1 - Everywhere Else - Part 2

As Riley leaves the 'everywhere else' area is empty for a brief period with none of our players entering it for a minute or two. However, the front door eventually opens and Aidra, followed by her current date Melissa, the shy, hot hispanic she had been teasing earlier in the kitchen, walk out onto the front porch. Aidra just chills a bit continuing her flirting and teasing of Melissa before she quickly gets into conversation with the others outside, most of whom are just chilling or smoking or just waiting for their friends to arrive before heading inside.

Of course, most of the party-goers out here just got to watch some fun with Riley so they seemed to expect something along the same lines with Aidra. Catching on that they are expecting something Aidra just smiles and ignores them for now getting a smoke from someone and just chilling. She ignores a few people whispering and looking her way and just turns more towards Melissa and runs her hand up and down her side pressing close against her making the shy, cute hispanic blush obviously still horny from Aidra playing with her pussy so much earlier.

Finally having relaxed enough and taking a drink Aidra has Melissa take a body shot off of her before doing the same before turning to the other party-goers chilling on the porch now only partially watching the two. "So, ya'll want to play a game?" She asks getting a few excited looks and a good few 'hell yeahs'. "So, I've been teasing Melissa hear for quite some time and I like we should play a game to see if she gets to cum or not." Aidra announces making a few people blush, especially Melissa who covers her eyes trying to pretend that wasn't just said about her in front of this small crowd.

"Good, I see we have some players. Does anyone have any rope?" She asks and isn't surprised at how quickly it is provided. This place is likely covered in bondage gears and sex toys just out of sight for this game. And Aidra knows many of the party-goers are secretly running the show but blending in. Aidra then gets some burly looking chicks to help her grab the not-very-happy Melissa and tie her to a wooden post of the porch in a long straight line with her arms above her head. "Please, please let me go. Aidra!" Melissa gasps blushing deeply as Aidra just smirks and whips off Melissa's bikini making her not only tight up and teased in front of everyone that walks into the house but naked as well. "AIDRA!" She gasps crying out but she is just greeted by a cheer from the porch crowd who look over her sexy, naked tan skin and body while Aidra puts her curly, frizzy hair up and out of her face.

Aidra admires her work for a bit wondering if she went too far for early in the game but then shrugs and continues. This is all about having fun after all. At least at the start. Aidra does still want to win. Aidra then runs her hand teasingly up and down Melissa's beautiful, soft tan skin teasingly before leaning on the rail next to her. "So here is the party game. You all can take turns guessing sexual things that I like. It can be anything but it can't be anything generic. If you get it right then I'll have some fun with Melissa for your viewing pleasure. If you get it wrong poor little Melissa here gets punished instead. Sound fun?" Aidra says getting a few cheers at that. "I thought so. Oh, and of course if you get enough right quickly enough Melissa here might just finally get the finish she is hoping for." She announces getting a cheer. Not long after Aidra asks for a round of drinks from inside and a few hot chicks in bikinis come out with large trays out pass out red cups full of beer to everyone.

"Ok, first..." Aidra says looking around before picking out someone. "Shoot." She says.

"I bet you like... nipple clamps!" She asks.

Aidra laughs at that. "Fuck no!" She then turns to Melissa who tries to pull away but can't roped to the wooden pillar. Aidra grins and runs a hand between her ass and the post and starts to rub her tight little asshole.

"No! Aidra stop. Aidra pleeeasse!" Melissa gasps new to ass play and freaking out getting touched there squirming on the post. "Aidra!" She gasps as her tight little hole just keeps getting rubbed and slightly spread.

"Next?" Aidra just asks with a laugh. "How about you?" She asks another.

"I think you like... anal." The party-goer says getting some laughs.

"It's ok. Neutral answer so let's just go to the next." Aidra says. And she does just that people shooting questions out about her over and over. A lot of them are right, after all Aidra is a pornstar known for doing some pretty nasty things. But she is not nearly as kinky as some of these people seem to think she is. While she has dabbled in bondage from time to time she never really liked it too much.

All of this lead to a solid mix of punishment and fun for Melissa exposed to the crowd and reliant upon their questions. For punishments Aidra slaps her tits until they are a nice shade of red as well as let some random party-goer that is kind of disgusting make out with her and grope her. Aidra also gags her with her fingers a bit and does a bit of breath play with some ropes almost making Melissa pass out a few times.

This is all balanced out with quite a bit of fun between Aidra and Melissa. On a correct answer Aidra sucks on Melissa's perky brown tits while still playing, now fingering her asshole really getting some good gasps out of her. Later on Aidra transitions into full out fingering of both of her holes at the same time that, despite Melissa crying out to stop playing with her ass, really gets Melissa turned on and very horny. Lastly Aidra makes out very passionately with the very willing by this point Melissa putting on quite the show while her thigh comes up to grind against Melissa's wet pussy and her hands pulls and tug on her perky, aching nipples until Melissa is begging to cum.

Finally Aidra steps back and addresses the crowd, a small group building up by the stairs to the porch arriving but not wanting to interrupt the game happy to just watch. "I think I'll leave Melissa's fate in your hands, crowd." Aidra says with a smirk. "Should I finish her for being a good sport," She says getting a good few cheers, "Or should I find a nice chastity belt to put on her and make her ask around for whoever has the key?" She says getting even more cheers to her surprise fully intending on finishing her.

Surprised but going through with it Aidra nods. "The crowd has spoken." She then turns to Melissa with wide eyes and a large blush. "Sorry beautiful." Aidra says giving her another deep, passionate kiss rubbing her aching clit until she gets right there before pulling away. Then, as expected, someone hands her a chastity belt for her to put on the not-very-happy Melissa. Aidra then spots a ball-gag and shoves it in Melissa's pleading mouth before tossing the chastity belt key to some random party goer. "Better pay attention to whoever has it if you ever want out." Aidra suggests before walking over to another part of the porch to lean back and relax. "She is all ya'lls, I'm done with her." Aidra says getting a few party guests to eagerly move forward towards Melissa who squirms and gives muffled cries as people start pulling on her naked tits and sucking along her neck along with teasing her pent-up body.

Just then, laughing as she steps out from something she heard inside, is Asa with a big grin on her face. She looks around noting Melissa with a surprised look before turning around and spotting Aidra. "Fuck. Hey." She says walking over to join Aidra who just smirks back. "Seems like you've been busy out here." Asa asks.

"Just having some fun." Aidra says. "We've been playing party games. Want in?" Aidra suggests as the flow of traffic through the porch starts to return to normal as the two just chat leaning against the railing next to each other.

"Having some fun with Madison upstairs if you'd like to join us." Asa suggests but Aidra turns her down rather willing to just chill outside for now and play another party game. Asa finally shrugs. "Fine, fine. I'll join you. But only if my reward for winning is a kiss. Or a little more than a kiss." Asa suggests with a grin leaning against Aidra a bit seductively.

Aidra just turns to her with a smirk. "I'll give you a kiss now as long as you play." Aidra suggests and Asa couldn't be happier. Asa follows up pressing Aidra who slowly pulls her against her to pin her against the railing as their lips meet. Asa takes Aidra's willing lips again and again in slow, deep kisses getting quite a bit of attention on the porch. The two shorter pornstars make out passionately and slowly with arms slowly caressing and lightly groping each other for a bit before the two both give a few gasps and Asa pulls away finally feeling her phone go off.

"Ok, now for a game." Asa says with a smile. "What are we playing?"

Aidra thinks a bit. "Ok, a game I just made up." She says. "We each take turns going from one person to another and the other calls out either spank or grope. If they call out spank the person they walked up to gets to spank them. If they call out grope the other person gets to cop a feel. I'm not really sure how we win but we'll let the party-goers determine that." Aidra says making Asa laugh.

"Fuck, I'm in." Asa says then gets up walking up to hot looking blonde sorority girl in a sexy obviously pricey one-piece. "Well?" She says looking back over her shoulder past her long black hair at Aidra.

"Oh, fuck, ummmm," Aidra says thinking. "Grope."

So the two end up going around getting spanked and groped by quite a few of the guests getting quite turned on as they do. The hot sorority chick grabs and parts and squeezes Asa's ass a bunch before the next nerdy chick spanks her hard. After that her tits get played with and nipples pulled by a hot dyke before getting her pussy fondled by a large, chubby black chick. The game halts for a moment after that as Stacey, the chubby bitch that played with Asa before in the parking lot finally makes it up to the porch and spots Asa having fun again.

Grabbing her before she can move on to the next she spanks the shit out of Asa until she is almost crying making her make out with her sitting on her lap after unable to escape the dominant, cruel chubby woman.

Meanwhile Aidra is having her own fun getting spanked by Faith rather well, the same hot black chick that spanked Riley earlier. She then goes on to get spanked by a hot track athlete then gets her pussy and asshole played with by a set of hispanic twins that absolutely drive her crazy to the point where she doesn't want to leave getting stuck with them longer than normal since it is during the time Asa is being held up by the dominant Stacey.

Eventually the two do break apart and end up giggling and pressed together on a bench at the end of the porch. Asa, glad to get away from Stacey and ready to end this game as turned on as Aidra presses her down and runs her hand down to her pussy. "First to cum loses." Asa declares and Aidra just nods pushing up to take Asa's sexy lips. The two start to make out fiercely with Asa on top of Aidra on the bench as their hands quickly roam each other's bodies. Asa quickly runs one down to start fingering Aidra hard while the other runs up to choke the small, sexy white pornstar between kisses really turning her on. Aidra fights back in kind and runs both hands up to spread Asa's ass and finger both of her holes at the same time really making Asa buck in pleasure.

The two grind against each other finger fucking each other hard while Aidra goes between gasping for breath and making out with Asa taking her lips relentlessly and hungrily. Eventually getting both of her holes fingered at the same time is too much for Asa and she cums first bucking hard on top of Aidra. She doesn't stop however and Aidra cums moments later as she relentlessly gets her tight hole pounded by Asa's expert fingers fucking her. The two laugh as they finally pull apart, breathing hard and quite turned on getting another small cheer from the crowd. They both are handed more beer as they pull their swim suits back over themselves and laugh it off getting along well. The two notice their phones have gone off not long after and both check to see that the secret first round is over. Aidra finds herself with four points and is happy with that. Asa finds herself with four as well. Both just chill on the bench for a moment catching their breath. Stacey looks like she is about to walk over to get some more fun with Asa but Aidra tells her to fuck off and she does.

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