VRX 9000: Sex Games / Random Vines; You want to strike immediately.

From Create Your Own Story

VRX 9000: Sex Games

Haunted House Survival: Good vs. Evil


The Room


You grin evilly and cast "Monster - Vines: Random" upon the room and eagerly wait for the result. These four Asian women look ripe for the plucking. The vines end up spawning in the top right corner, hidden behind the bed. The girls look around panicked, frightened, as the power goes out and stays out. Mia sits up on the bed onto her knees putting her nail things on the night-stand and looks around worried. "What happened?" She says uncertainly, curling up on herself. "Maybe this place is haunted after all."

"Don't be ridiculous." Tia says from across the room, unable to see much. Tia closes her book and reaches around for her bookmark cursing in the dark unable to find it. "The power just went out. It'll be back before you know it."

"If you say so..." Mia responds, probably the one that is the most scared. She doesn't hear the boards in the corner of the room behind her creaking and parting slowly, the vines creeping in from the outside. Vines start to pour out under the bed and along the corner of the wall, invisible in the darkness. The first few start to slither under the blankets towards Mai, the closest girl.

"You have to be kidding me." Asa says from the bottom half of the room, frustrated that she didn't get to finish her work. Asa then hears what sounds like things creeping around the house, on other floors in other rooms. She goes quiet, fear slowly creeping into her. There is definitely something there. Asa looks worriedly over to the shower then, the only one able to see it. The water is still running with the glass still steamed up. Dragonlily apparently is just going to continue her shower in the darkness. Asa scoffs silently at that.

That is precisely what Lily does, looking around a bit before shrugging. Despite acting tough, a chill runs up her spine. What if something was happening? Best not to think about it, just enjoy the warm water.

Meanwhile the vines have been slowly creeping along the bed under and above the sheets as the vine goes to make its move in the darkness. Mia notices it too late, only hearing the sound of the storm outside before suddenly feeling something move along the bed next to her. Mia looks down in shock, her heart almost jumping out of her chest, as she reaches down to feel the sheets which seem to be moving. They feel like dozens of snakes running under the covers towards her. Mia goes to scream, but the vine is too smart for that. A vine that had gotten up the wall in the corner slings down and with one gentle motions slides down to wrap around Mia's neck and tightens hard, yanking back towards the wall hard.

Mia chokes, her air getting cut off just before she can scream. Instead Mia just gasps, eyes going wide in terror as the vine around her neck starts to drag her back into the corner as it cuts off her air. Scared, desperately trying to scream, Mai's hands fly up to the vine and frantically claw at it trying to escape. The vine has other plans, one of the higher ones catching her wrist as she tries to pry at the vine around her neck wrapping around it before pulling up tightly. As it does Mai scrambles, legs desperately flinging out to catch herself on the bed as she tries to fight it but another vine snags an ankle on the same side as her wrist and pulls back. Mai gets slowly but surely drug back into the corner kicking and trying to scream, tears of fear coming into her eyes as she gets pulled into a large bundle of vines as another wraps around and slides across her lips gagging her.

"Does somebody hear something? I'm getting a little freaked out." Tia says from across the room, sitting up slightly on the room to peer around. With it being so dark she can't see that Mai isn't laying on the bed anymore, only hearing a faint last whimper from Mai as a vine slides across her soft, struggling skin as she gets dragged into the darkness.

Scratch marks dig deep into the vine around Mai's neck as tears roll down her cheeks from fear. Mia starts to feel lightheaded, gagging softly as the vine fills between her lips. Moments later another fine snags her other wrists and the vines yank her hands above her head and back deep into the pile of vines in the corner pinning them above her while wrapping dozens more around them pinning Mai's back to the corner. Vines spill out around Mia's shoulders slowly covering her and ripping at her clothing. Mai bucks hard too afraid to give up, trying to wrench her lower body free. The vines give for a few moments before pulling her back with vines wrapping around her waist pinning her firmly back against the corner. Mai gives one last desperate shove off the wall which fails then sobs softly in terror as each leg is reigned in, Mia trembling uselessly in the vines as they cover her. Why hasn't anyone noticed! Why isn't anyone saving her?

The vines let up ever so slightly on Mai's throat letting her gasp softly for air, gulping it in the best she can. The vine is choking her just enough to where she can't make much noise, but she can barely breath. Terrified, Mia looks down and gives a soft moan of defeat and horror as a vine slides across her upper chest pinning her back more while another slides down to circle around her left breast, squeezing it periodically as it wraps around it. God, what is it doing? Help! Tears stream down Mia's face as the vines start to crawl underneath her clothing, starting to rip it here and there. Mia gives a weak, muffled scream and gives one last hard struggle, tearing up as she sees Tia in the light of the window. Look at me! Please! Mia sobs, terrified.

But Tia doesn't see her, just looking out the window for a moment before moving back into the darkness to retreat back to her couch. Tia and Asa are saying something to each other but Mia can't make out the words. They sound worried. Mia makes a pitiful sound as several vines find their way under her shirt and start to wrap around her busty breasts, squeezing them over and over again once they get wrapped around them. Mia can feel their slime all over her breasts now, whimpering. She realizes she can feel a breeze then, hole starting to appear along her yoga pants and shirt as the slime slowly eat through it. No!! Mia struggles in vain then whimpers again as the vines start to wrap around her increasingly naked, thick legs and start to spread them, a vine trying to work in between them. No!!

Struggling the best she can Mia sobs as tries to keep her thick thighs closed, but eventually the vines spread them, a sliding between her legs to immediately rub up against her most sensitive area. The vine starts to rub back and forth right between Mia's busty thighs, making the thicker girl gasp and struggle in vain, whimpering. The vine rubs her over and over, making Mia squirm and sob softly, until the vine around her neck suddenly squeezes tighter cutting off her air. Mia chokes, worried, feeling the thick vine rubbing between her legs all the more giving a horrified quiet moan as it coaxes pleasure out of her. As the vine keeps at it the vine between her lips finally slips away, suddenly replaced by the tip of another which forces its way between Mia's lips.

Terrified, Mia tries to scream but instead chokes on the vine as it forces its thick body between her lips, the vines on her throat letting up a bit letting her gag and gasp again, the vine sliding between her soft lips gagging her like a cock. The vine let's Mia adjust to it for only a few moments before shoving its way practically down her throat, throat fucking the helpless woman. Mia shakes her head desperately, gagging as she squirms uselessly under the vines, coughs and low moans only faint sounds coming from her.

You blink in surprise as you feel the presence of the good spirit and look over with loathing. You were having so much fun. The good spirit decides between its two cards and plays "Action: Show Party - Asa". Curious, you look over towards Asa. Apparently the good spirit will be trying to build his own cards through the girls and let you have Mia for now. So much for being good you sneer.

Asa gets up from her desk, muttering. "Well, I'm not going to just sit around in the dark. I think Lily has the right idea." With that Asa slowly and carefully walks over to the shower and starts to get naked upon feeling the tile floor of the bath area, stripping completely. Completely unaware of the vines having their way with Mia, Asa slides open the shower door and steps in.

"Oh my god." Lily says in shock for a second before realizing who it is. "You scared the shit out of me Asa." She says smiling, looking over the taller, very good looking Asian woman.

"I thought you could use some company." Asa says, sliding forward into the warm shower closing the door behind her. Asa then turns to Lily, sliding hands forward along her vague outline. "Plus, not much to do when the lights are out is there?" Lily just smirks back, letting Asa run her hands down to Lily's impressive ass giving it a squeeze as she presses up against Lili.

The two take each other's lips, kissing each other a few times, both smiling and amused. "I think we can find something to pass the time." Lily says seductively, pressing Asa's firm, tight ass up against the glass shower wall to run her hands over her body taking her lips over and over. The two start to make out, taking each other's lips slowly and passionately as they run their hands exploring each other's naked bodies. Finally Lily find's Asa's wet cunt and starts to rub it, pinning her hips against the glass. Asa gasps and blushes, running one hand from Lily's ass up to her own breast, squeezing it and biting her lip holding in another soft moan.

As the two women tease each other in the shower Mia continues to get molested by the vines unbeknownst by anyone. Mia gags over and over as spit trails down from her lips across her now naked breasts as the vines keep throat fucking her. Mia just gags and whimpers, squirming in the vines as moaning softly looking down at the vines squeezing and teasing her breasts, trembling and trying to twist her hips as the thick vine between her leg keeps rubbing along her now wet thick cunt.

Mia's clothing might as well be non-existent at this point, only threads holding any of it together with Mia's busty, glistening tits and firm, trembling hips on display in rips in the cloth. Mia can hardly think, gagging and taking the vine between her lips over and over as her entire body trembles from being teased. The vines finally have her where they want her, and with a quick change the thick vine between Mia's legs stops running and positions itself to suddenly shove its way right up Mia's wet, firm cunt filling her to the base. Mia shrieks loudly, muffled by the vines, and sobs in humiliation as the vine starts to fuck her with slow, full strokes pulling almost all the way out just to slam back up into her pussy filling her and spreading her each time to her limit.

As Mia slowly gets fucked on the bed and Asa and Lily giggle and give soft gasps from the shower Tia sits on the couch, looking around worried. She starts to realize something isn't right, clutching the couch with a worried expression just listening to the sound of the wind and rain. You finally draw two more cards and look over them, grinning and eager to continue.


You draw two cards.

Monster Ability - Vines: Expand: You may upgrade your vine monster creature by having it expand and grow more aggressive in its pursuits. This would be a good spell to secure Mia as well as possible go after some of the other girls as well.

Shower Trap - Lock: You may activate a trap centered on the shower which will magically hold the shower door shut not letting anyone in or out. This is a great spell for keeping the girls split up, or keeping certain girls vulnerable for further attacks.


Which card will you choose?


Mia Li:

Status: Getting Fucked by Vines.

Clothing: Half-deteriorated.

Status Bar: (-50/-100)


Tia Ling:

Status: Resting on Couch.

Clothing: Normal.

Status Bar: (0/100)


Asa Akira:

Status: Teasing Dragonlily.

Clothing: Naked.

Status Bar: (33/100)



Status: Teasing Asa.

Clothing: Naked.

Status Bar: (33/100)


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