VRX 9000: Sex Games / Random Command (112).

From Create Your Own Story

VRX 9000: Sex Games

Random Adventures - Pixie's Punishment

Part 4: Mistress's Command - Part 1


The Story:

You sit there waiting for her next command when there is a knock on the door that makes you jump. You immediately shy away horrified at her mom finding you in a position like this. Or worse, her dad or any possible siblings or guests or anyone at all! You highly doubt her family is aware of what is going on in here, especially hinted at everything being well hidden by the loud punk rock music. Her mom's voice comes through the door moments later. "I'm heading out for the evening, I won't be back until nine or ten at the earliest. Dinner is in the fridge." She says before you can hear her walking away. You give a sigh of relief, that was a close one. You will certainly have to worry about that if you have any more of these sessions for sure.

"About time." Brooke mutters then finally stands up. She bends down and attaches your leash again then leads you over to attach the leash onto the bedpost. After that she grabs some handcuffs from her box and walks over to you. "Hands behind your back. Time to show off my new prize." She says with a grin. You give her a seductive smile back hoping to lead to something more sexual with her while letting her handcuff your hands behind your back while you kneel at the end of the bed. You shift your ass a bit, that butt plug is so big! You grow a bit nervous being restrained once again by some woman you just met, but for some reason she has put you in a bit of an ease. She follows up with a pink ball gag with holes in it which you hesitantly allow her to put on. "Perfect." Brooke says with a grin, then takes another picture of you kneeling in your cat outfit handcuffed, leashed, and gagged.

She then walks over to unlock the door then sit on her bed. You eye the door nervously while she plays with her phone a bit but just have to sit there restlessly. For some reason she doesn't decide to do anything with you letting you just kneel there like the slave you are while she just plays on her phone. Does she plan on having sex or what? You grow a little frustrated and shift a bit so she remembers you are still there but when she glances your way she just smiles a bit then goes right back to her phone to your annoyance.

Then, the doorbell rings. "Finally!" Brooke says jumping out of bed and heading towards the door. Your eyes open wide in shock and horror as she starts walking downstairs leaving you there with the door open. Who is at the door? Why is she going to get it so quickly? You immediately start to panic and shift next to the bed. Should you try and run for it? Hide? No, in this position you can't do much. You just blush and curse softly to yourself when you hear Brooke open the door accompanied by the sounds of several other girls your age.

You catch a few words as the new group of girls come up the stairs obviously heading for Brooke's room. Some things about coming from the swimming pool at one of their places. Something about seeing your pictures Brooke sent them today. You blush more realizing she has been showing her friends all of this. Some how the loss of confidence on her part really hurts you. How dare she share this with her friends? You have no time to think about it as the door bangs open and Brooke leads everyone in to take a good look at you. You whimper and move back against the bed but there is no hiding as you meet Brooke's three friends.

One is a large chubby Asian barely keeping her large bust contained with a blue string bikini. She has her long black hair in two long braids on either side. You find out her name is Kim. The next is a very skinny yet very sexy looking blonde with an eastern European look and an extremely revealing red-knit bikini. You find out her name is Sonya. And the third is a cute little thing with dyed red hair and a fun loving look with a cute, fit body in a pink and black bikini. You find out her name is Molly.

All four teenage girls your age gather around you taking a look at you with big smiles. "Holy shit you really did it!"

"Damn that outfit is hot!"

"Did you get the bondage stuff?"

"I want to go first!"

The facade of talking it too much to handle and you just shy away whimpering slightly as the close in on you. Finally Brooke pushes to the front and raises your head and points to everyone in turn. "These are my friends, and your new other mistresses. You will address them the same way that you address me, understand?" She says, then takes off your ball gag to have it hand down around your collar.

You look up at her and almost protest but realize you have no choice. "Yes Mistress Brooke." You reply with a soft voice trying not to let it tremble. Your fear has returned two fold from before and you cringe when one of these strangers reaches forward to grab you.

"Get her on the bed! I've always wanted my own little slut to play with!" One of the girls says. Before you know it your leash is taken off and Kim and Molly pull you up onto the bed. You desperately look for Brooke to save you but you find her pinned against the desk making out with Sonya. What is happening? Brooke's jeans are unbuttoned and Sonya has her hand down them already giving you a strong twinge of resentment and envy against Sonya. You wish that were you.

"Oh, Sonya is Brooke's girlfriend if you didn't know." Molly says to you after seeing where you are looking, giggling a bit.

You blush furiously but are quickly pressed down upon by the large weight of Kim. "I can be your girlfriend you sexy little pussy." She laughs, then turns your head to take your lips with her large sloppy ones. You are forced to make out with the disgusting chubby Asian, her lips practically drooling on yours taking them again and again. You squirm and gasp as her hand goes down to find your undefended cunt and start to rub it while making out with it. You are so humiliated, her disgusting tongue shoved practically down your throat while you gasp getting played with already wet from your time with Brooke. It stings all the more knowing beautiful amazing Brooke has a girlfriend already despite what you shared with her. Plus her betrayal... all of this went from good to bad in a heartbeat.

The next moment you give an embarrassing loud moan as Kim shoves her thick middle finger right up your aching cunt while pinning you down to the bed. Fuck why does it have to feel good? You gasp and squirm under the fat Asian until you are shuddering and moan while she fingers your relentless while her meaty tongue and lips never leave your gaping ones. You moan and gasp until you finally have had enough pressing your hips in the most humiliating way up against the chubby fingers of Kim desperate to cum. Kim finally stops kissing you then and looks down with a loud laugh. "Oh our pussy wants to cum does she? I don't think so!"

With that she pulls her finger out then brings it up to shove it between your lips all the way. You gag immediately, not enjoying your own taste nor how far she shoved her finger, then blush deeply as you are forced to suck your own finger clean gagging on her chubby fingers after she shoves another in. You grunt as Kim re positions herself and you sitting at the end of the bed just to pull you up to lean back against her despite your squirming. While holding your head back against her with her fingers shoved between your lips she pushes her stronger chubby legs over yours and forces you to spread your own pale legs to show your glistening pussy to everyone on the edge of cumming. She then snakes her hand down to your aching pussy and starts to gently rub it over and over keeping you right on the edge without letting you cum.

"Dirty little pussy." She laughs, rubbing your pussy more firmly while you squirm and gasp in her grasp still gagging on her fingers. All the while Brooke and Sonya have moved to the other side of the bed, both breathing heavily. Brooke no longer has her tight jeans on and the two are making out passionately. Molly gives a grin towards the two but turns back to reveal her phone pointed at you likely recording you the entire time making you blush deeply. How dare these bitches do this to you?

Finally Kim brings her fingers out of your mouth then grabs you by the cheeks making you look up at her while she plays with your pussy. "Who am I, pussy?" She asks with a grin.

You moan twisting your hips but have no choice. "Mistress Kim." You respond hating being in her grasp.

"Tell me how much you want me to play with you pussy. Make me believe it and maybe I'll let you cum." She says with a grin.

Dammit, why is this happening! You struggle with fear coming back a bit but handcuffed in the larger girl's grasp on the edge of orgasm all you can do is gasp in pleasure pathetically. "I want you to fuck my little pussy Mistress Kim." You moan, pressing your hips against her chubby hands. "Fuck me!" You beg, horrified at your own words but too desperate to care. "I'm your little whore Mistress Kim!" You plead eyes practically rolling up as she rubs your clit and slit expertly. She is so fucking good but she is so fucking disgusting!

"Mmmm. No." Kim says then laughs like it is the funniest thing in the world. Her hands leave your cunt and mouth and come up to squeeze your full breasts and tug on your nipples. "I like feeling you squirm way too much!" She says laughing again. You moan pathetically as she plays with your breasts, humiliated horribly by these bitchy teens. How dare she play with you like this? You almost sob you are so embarrassed.

You manage to glance Brooke then, her back against the headboard with her legs spread and naked in front of her. Sonya has crawled onto the bed and is naked now as well bending down to eat out Brooke's perfect little pussy. You feel another twinge of jealousy blushing even more before Molly fills your view kneeling in front of you putting her phone away. Now she has a crop in her hands. Before you can react she crops your exposed aching cunt with a hard slap making you cry out loudly and squirm violently in Kim's grasp. "Holy fuck!" You cry looking up at her desperately.

Molly just grins then stares you down. "Each time I crop you pussy, you will tell me you are my little pain slut. Understand?" She says not breaking eye sight. Your mouth gapes at her horrified until her crop comes down hard as Kim moves her hands to grab your neck slapping your bare nipple hard.

You scream, struggling in Kim's lap but held tight by her chubby hand around your throat. Fuck this girl! That hurts so bad! You tremble, looking up at her expectant face. "I'm your pain slut." You whimper, fear returning to your eyes.

The blow lands on your other nipples making you throw your head in pain. "Use my title, pussy." Molly demands.

"I'm your pain slut Mistress Molly!" You gasp between gritted teeth trying not to sob as both your nipples and cunt ache from the blows. The crop lands hard on your inner thigh next and you scream this time almost shedding a tear. "I'm your pain slut Mistress Molly!" You cry out again just to scream when the crop lands on your other inner thigh sending extreme pain through your body making you start to sob. "I'mmmm youuurrr pain sluuuut Mistressss Mmmmooolllllllllyyy!" You moan in horror tearing up.

Molly then starts to crop you unrelentingly getting lost in the experience of getting to toy with another girl to her every desire not waiting for you to call yourself a pain slut. The crop lands fiercely over and over again along your breasts making you sob and scream writhing in Kim's solid grasp before the crop goes down to start landing blow after blow on your inner thighs making you scream. When it finally finds your pussy she pulls her arm all the way back and strikes your cunt with the crop as hard as she possibly can making you absolutely scream and buck hard in Kim's grasp finally pulling away with tears streaming down your face. You collapse off the bed huddling up in a ball the best you can sobbing with pain throbbing over your most sensitive areas.

The girls don't let you get away, Kim scooting to the edge of the bed to grab you roughly by the hair. "Damn she got away. Come back to me pussy." She says with a laugh pulling you up painfully by your hair.

"Pleeeeasssseeee no more!" You beg sobbing your eyes out but Kim doesn't seem to care.

"Time for my fun pussy, you don't get to rest." She says ignoring you. Instead she shoves your face between her chubby thighs on the edge of the bed then runs one thick leg over your neck trapping you with your face buried in her fat disgusting cunt. You can't breath, sobbing and struggling for breath but Kim holds you tight with her leg. "Eat me out pussy, you won't be breathing otherwise." She warns.

You sob into her pussy humiliated and scared out of your mind body still aching in throbbing pain. Catching your breath you eventually close your eyes and stick your tongue out and start to lap at her disgusting fat cunt not knowing what else to do. Kim seems to enjoy it and lets you lick her slit for a while before letting you breath finally gasping before just being shoved back in smothered by her folds of fat.

"I think our pussy needs a few more toys." You hear Molly nearby digging through the box. As you sob and eat out Kim's cunt you feel Molly's hand grab your nipple and pull it out resisting not pulling away from her. The next second she attaches a cruel metal clamp onto your nipple making you scream into Kim's pussy. Why is she so cruel? Why? You can't stand it, your body shaking as you sob with the pain now staying on your sore nipple as the clamp hangs biting into it. Not long after she adds one to the next making you scream again into Kim's thick cunt. That just seems to turn on Kim more who smothers you deeper into her wet thick cunt.

Molly doesn't seem done focused apparently on bringing you pain. The crop lands on your ass next making you sob and jump. "Ass up my little pain slut. You need to be in proper position to eat pussy." Molly demands cropping your pale, thick ass again making it jump painfully. You get to breath again after that gasping loudly and breathing heavily wincing as your breasts moving causing the clamps to hurt even more.

"Please noooo!" You moan in pain just before getting smothered again blushing deeply just to start lapping up Kim's wet cunt again as she grinds it against your smeared face. The crop keeps landing on your ass as you try to stick it up and arch your back but the pain is unbelievable. Molly doesn't seem to understand restraint and does full armed blows against your ass making you scream and jump at each blow. Just when your body is trembling in pain and you don't think you can take anymore about to collapse Kim finally smothers you deeper than before and grinds her disgusting fat wet cunt against your entire face over and over cumming all over your face. You endure it blushing and completely humiliated before she finally lets you go.

You collapse on the ground immediately sobbing softly and gasping for breath. As you curl up in a ball crying with your body covered in harsh red crop marks you hear the girls talking about going down to the pool in the backyard. You eventually look up and see Brooke has changed into her own bikini looking amazing and all of the girls run down ahead with grins completely forgetting about you out of no where. Breathing heavily you look up at Brooke desperately as she kneels down next to you with an apologetic smile. "Sorry Pixie, they can be a little rough. You'll get used to it though!" She says with a giggle.

Moaning softly in pain and sniffling another sob you just lay there shuddering as she undoes your handcuffs. "You are free to go, I'll email you for our next session. We'll probably do it somewhere else since my parents will be around for the next few days." She says. "Bye Pixie!" She adds with a kiss on your cheek then runs downstairs to join her friends outside in the pool.

You are left to slowly strip out of the cat clothing in humiliation trembling in pain and horrified at your experience with Brooke's friends. And Brooke herself is so nice, why did this have to happen? You don't dare stick around long enough for them to find you again throwing your clothing on and practically running out the front door. You couldn't take the collar off but you don't dare find them again to ask for the key. You manage just an awkward jog to your car then quickly speed off once in it. After you get out of the neighborhood you park on the side of the road and just have a meltdown sobbing and curling up in a ball feeling your abused body and wiping off your smeared face covered in Kim's juices and smeared makeup and tears. You shudder just in thinking about it and eventually calm down.

After arriving home you hide the collar the best you can but your parents couldn't care less. You jump in the shower and spend an entire two hours in it shuddering and holding yourself randomly tugging at the pink collar blushing. Then, thinking of Brooke and still extremely sexually frustrated you finally run a hand down between your athletic pale thighs and touch yourself until you cum. You mope around the rest of the day taking a nap and watching a few shows on your computer before going to bed unable to get the friends and Brooke out of your head always messing with your new collar. Eventually you fall asleep at night but toss and turn in fits unable to get all of your experience out of your head.

The next day you are extremely restless expecting an email at any time. None comes and you eventually masturbate to Brooke again to release your pent up anxious energy. When is she going to contact you? Where will you meet next? Will you have to deal with her friends again? You have another bad sleep that night but wake up the next morning around nine with a new email. Suddenly wide awake you stumble to your phone and quickly open it with the pit in your stomach growing again. It is your mistress, and she has a new location for you to meet like she said she would.


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