VRX 9000: Sex Games / Play along trying to get the third guard involved (2)

From Create Your Own Story

VRX 9000: Sex Games

The Ayumi Adventures: Invading the Cult

Quest 1: The Mazrim Cult


While you were not expecting them to be so forward, the plan does seem to be working. The gate is closed but there is a work around. If you can get the third guard to come down then you are as good as home free. Nothing talk and some flirting can't handle. He has to open the gate to join in now doesn't he? As long as they don't go too far of course. Then again, you've been in worse spots. Pretending you are surprised by the ass grab you turn around then smirk. "Oh, lonely are we? Well I think I might have just the thing..." With that you walk up to him with your hips swaying and press right up against him, hips against his crotch and breasts against his chest. You look up to him in the eyes running an arm around his waist.

He grins then, looking down at you then to your cleavage pressed against him. "I think I could get used to this." And with that his arm comes around you, grabbing your ass hard pulling you more against him. You give a small gasp at the grab but otherwise keep eye contact. You manage to steal his kris while he does that.

Before you can get out of it though the second guard comes up from behind, suddenly swinging his arms around to take your breasts in each hand giving them a good squeeze. You are not expecting it and give out a surprised cry, blushing slightly for their amusement at them getting that reaction out of you. "Oh, she likes that." The guard from behind says, slipping his hands to pull down your top to reveal your breasts. You instantly try to protest like the damsel in distress you are and bring your hands up but the first guard stops you, grabbing one wrist and pulls you against him harder while grabbing your ass hard with his other hand. The other guard is close against the back of you as well, and you can feel both their hard cocks pressed against you through your pants. These two sure are grabbing, but a threesome isn't exactly the worse fate in the world. They do seem big.

You look up and spot the third guard watching, and put it back into game mode. If you can just get him to open the gate then you can get these two handsy cultists off you. When the two of you make eye contact you give a wicked smile then a wink. The guard blinks, as if not knowing what to think. Before you can do anymore though the guard behind you suddenly grabs your neck, holding it hard making you unable to move your head and hardly breath. Your eyes open wide in feigned surprise. A little too rough for your likings but nothing unexpected. "Give this broad a kiss yeah?"

The first guard grins, looking over at your startled face. "You're right, she needs a good big one!" With that he leans forward giving your other ass cheek a good squeeze, his lips finding yours without you being able to turn away. He instantly kisses you deeply, quickly running his disgusting tongue between your lips.

You try to pull away but the guards both have you pretty well. And to just make matters worse the guard behind you finally manages to rip your top down exposing your breasts and instantly pinches one of your nipples. You can't help but blush as you give a gasp pretending to never have been fondled by men before. The guard grins, giving your full breast a squeeze then before moving to the next one, playing with its nipple with his thumb after giving it a good squeeze. The guard kissing you then lets go of your wrist which isn't doing much anyways and starts to slide it down the front of your pants. You actually manage to smirk a bit, this guard knows what he wants and is rather confident. Not bad, but do you let him?


What do you do?


Current Status: 100% - Normal

Current Items: Dagger, Armor, Thieves' Tools, Kris

Current Alignment: (10/20) - Neutral

Main Quest: Find the Heirloom

Side Quests: None


Deadly Focus: x3

Burst of Luck: x1

Vanish: x2

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