VRX 9000: Sex Games / PP - SMP1 - The Beach - Part 2

From Create Your Own Story


VRX 9000: Sex Games

5) The Spring Cabin Series - Popular Porn Stars

The Secret Mission Phase - Part 1 - The Beach - Part 2

While the beach is absolutely beautiful and stunning during the oncoming sunset most of the players are too wrapped up in the game to appreciate it or even head out to look. Lexi remains outside flirting and having fun with the volleyball players trying to get them to play some more party games despite them wanting to go back to volleyball. Britney has moved on, walking around looking for more fans keeping an eye out for Dani to walk up on her again. Thankfully Dani seems to have walked back inside. The only new addition ends up being Tori on her quest to find, and recruit other players to go upstairs and join Asa who is running the line on the restrained Madison. While Britney did manage to avoid Dani, Tori quickly gets the busty porn star in her sights.

Lexi has been drunkenly trying to convince the volleyball players to play another party game between making out with various members and showing herself off in her slutty little white one-piece and finally succeeds. While they did come to play some volleyball and provide a scenic backdrop for the party with their game, in the end Lexi is just too much fun. After throwing a few game ideas around the classic truth or dare comes out and Lexi gets to go first.

"Dare!" Lexi of course says giving a little drunken sway back and forth with her cute, innocent smile sitting cross-legged on a pool chair. She hasn't forgotten she needs points, but she isn't exactly thinking straight either. Thankfully she is just incredibly cute drunk.

One tall, athletic chick covered in tattoos and shorter styled black hair who has had her eye on Lexi this whole time and has made out with her already quickly takes the chance to give Lexi a dare. "I dare you to wear a butt plug!" She says with a big grin sitting on the pool chair next to Lexi holding one up. Where in the world did she get that? "I'm Aurora by the way." The tattooed chick says with a smirk.

"Oh... my!" Lexi says looking at the large pink plug. Not wanting to, yet drunk and knowing she needs to for the game that she is having a hard time concentrating on, Lexi eventually reaches for the butt plug. "Um ok!" She says nervously, biting her lip that hot little nervous way she does.

Aurora pulls it back however before Lexi can grab it. "Allow me." She says with a knowing grin. Lexi blushes a bit and there are some cheers from the crowd and before she knows it Lexi ends up on all fours on the pool chair with her ass in the air, Aurora laying back on the pool chair getting a great view of Lexi from behind with the hot porn star over her. Pulling Lexi's one-piece to the side to reveal her already wet cunt everyone watches as Aurora runs her hand over Lexi's most sensitive area getting rewarded by a drunken gasp of pleasure as her pussy gets played with for a few long moments. Aurora then starts to lube up Lexi's ass with her wetness before sitting up to press her tongue against Lexi's asshole. "Need to get nice and loose Lexi." She says with a grin getting more laughs and hoots from the other party-goers. As Aurora tongues Lexi's tight little asshole she starts rubbing her increasingly wet pussy below making Lexi shift and give high-pitched beautiful feminine moans that everyone seems to be enjoying. Watching Lexi squirm in pleasure is such a treat. Somehow sexier when she seems drunk and unsure of the situation she is in. Eventually Aurora starts to work in the butt plug but it turns out to be more of a challenge than she anticipated with Lexi being so tight so she simply takes her time and goes back to tonguing her tight little asshole, still rubbing her slick little cunt beneath.

The volleyball players continue the truth or dare game while this is going on and other fun and sexy dares and truths are made. Of course most eyes glance their way pretty often. Lexi can hardly pay attention with Aurora working her holes so well but manages a few glimpses. One volleyball player is giving a rather skilled lap dance while another is getting spanked, both laughing with drunken red cheeks obviously enjoying themselves. Another pair is making out while a few others are almost crying they are laughing so hard from some of the truth answers.

Before she knows it Lexi gives a gasp as the large pink butt plug pushes past and slips all the way up her ass making her bite down a bit on her lip and look back at Aurora's pleased face. Just a small pink ring remains after her tight asshole closes around the protruding object. Aurora gives it a few tugs making Lexi squirm before she finally escapes to stand up blushing at feeling the butt plug move around in her ass filling her quite nicely, covering it up with her sheer one-piece. It isn't really noticeable unless you know it is there, Lexi's hot and very well shaped ass swallowing it whole.

"Lexi again!" Someone shouts and Lexi turns to them with an innocent, drunken grin.

"Ok!" She says with a big smile but shakes a finger at them. "But just one more before we play something else! Um... I like dare." She confesses with a laugh giving Aurora a naughty look which makes a few of the volleyball players laugh. The tall tattooed chick just grins back in return.

Someone else gives her a dare this time, Lexi having to turn to find who is talking. "I dare you to dom me." A tall, athletic volleyball player with a brunette ponytail asks with a mischievous grin that gets a ton of reactions from the other players who obviously wouldn't expect that from her.

"Michelle!" One gasps while several others laugh.

"What? Not every day you can get a porn star to do that for you." She says with an unconcerned smile and shrug.

Grinning Lexi walks over to her. "Michelle huh? I can do that." She says with a giggle. "Lay down, slave." She says trying to be serious but can't help but giggle a bit. Michelle lays down on the beach chair and Lexi crawls over her looking down at the busty, athletic volleyball player below her. "Strip." Lexi commands. It is a little awkward with Lexi straddling her but Michelle manages it without much difficulty and just a few blushes at her small audience. Finally naked Lexi gives an impressed nod leaning back to get a good luck at Michelle's incredibly busty, yet still very firm and athletic body. Quite the catch, even for a porn star. Lexi then Michelle's discarded bikini and ties her wrists together along the top of the pool chair.

Lexi smirks and looks back, everyone watching. "I'll be topping Michelle here, keep playing." She says but then catches Aurora's gaze. "Not you. I need a helper." She says and a very happy Aurora gets up to join Lexi as the others all start playing truth or dare again albeit with quite a few glances in Lexi and Michelle's direction still. Once Aurora is there she looks at Lexi waiting for her directions. Lexi smirks liking the idea of being a mistress. Perhaps she better get a few more points so she can try it out more later. "Aurora, I think my new pet here needs a matching butt plug, don't you?" Lexi says with a wicked smile making Aurora quickly nod and laugh. Lexi then shakes her ass a bit showing off the butt plug, blushing a bit feeling it move around tightly up her ass.

"Yes, I think she does." Aurora agrees then gets up to go find another one real quickly.

While she is doing that Lexi grabs Michelle's hair tightly making her look up at her new mistress kneeling above her then gives her a firm slap. Not hard, because Lexi isn't mean, but enough to get her attention and maybe stain her cheek a little bit. "So, what to do with you." Lexi says with a grin before running her hand down to firmly squeeze one of Michelle's busty breasts making sure Michelle's attention is firmly on her.

While Lexi is dominating the volleyball player in the truth or dare game Britney has moved on and found another woman who obviously recognized her laying out on a towel next to the beach. Going over to sit down on a towel next to her Britney smiles and offers the woman a drink. "It looked like you could use some company!" She says socially 'accidently' having her tits almost fall out of her bikini top as she does. "I'm Britney by the way." She says after taking her own drink.

The woman sits up with a smile taking a sip of her fancy drink, the petite, extremely beautiful Asian with a long black braid bites her lip a bit. "You're Britney Amber, I know you." She says with a mischievous twinkle to her eye.

"Oh, so you know me?" Britney says as if she didn't know.

"I do." The Asian says with the same mischievous smile giving Britney a once over. "Call me crazy but I had always wanted to fuck you with a strap-on." She says nonchalantly.

"Oh wow!" Britney says with a fake laugh taking a sip of her drink. "You just let that out didn't you?"

"I know what this party is about." The Asian says still with that mischievous smile of hers making Britney laugh a little nervously. "I'm Joy by the way. Down for a bit of fun?" she suggests once more looking the hot porn star's busty body up and down.

"Fuck, I guess why not." Britney says surprised at how fast this is all moving but figures she might as well get this over with. She needs things to move fast to get as many points as possible after all and it isn't like she hasn't done this exact thing multiple times in the past for porn shoots. Plus she is still turned on from her fun earlier.

"Good." Joy says putting on a strap-on she just apparently had on hand making Britney pause for a moment. Fuck this is going to be some party. Joy doesn't back down at all and boldly moves over to Britney's towel and pushes her down onto her back. Stepping over Britney and looking down at her Joy's hand runs down between her legs with a smirk at what she finds. "Already so wet, I like that." She says making Britney blush slightly as she rubs up and down between Britney's slit with her slim, delicate fingers.

Not slowing down in the slightest, even when two party-goers walk by getting a good look and giggling, Joy moves back between Britney's legs spreading them and pushes her bikini bottom to the side revealing her nice slick pussy. "Moan like the good little obedient porn star you are." Joy says arrogantly then shoves the end of her strap-on right up Britney's waiting cunt without warning. Britney gives a well-practiced moan arching her back a bit but blushes at how forward this sexy little Asian is being. With long, full strokes Joy brings her fake cock back just to shove it all the way to its base again and again right up Britney's willing hole. "God you sure can take dick." She says happily making Britney's busty tits bounce again and again as she pounds her hot wet cunt. Britney, well versed in this, moves her forearms up to push her busty tits together giving Joy quite the view.

Not even close to finished Amber laughs as someone opens a window letting the music blaring inside the cabin be heard a bit better outside. As the beat starts to pick up Joy leans forward grabbing both of Britney's legs and pushes them up and together then leans forward onto them and starts to pound Britney's hot little cunt hard and fast to the beat loving the view of her busty thighs and ass from this position perfectly outlining her sopping wet cunt taking her cock. "Oh fuck!" Britney says as she gets plowed hard by this tight little Asian bitch.

"God I've been wanting to do this for so long. So fucking glad they invited me to this party." Joy says happily while thrusting her hips back and forth hard and well practiced. She then lets go of Britney's legs letting her body weight keep them there, leaning forward, to start roaming with her hands. She plucks both of Britney's busty tits out of the top of her bikini a bit and starts to play with her nipples getting a real moan out of Britney while she keeps getting pounded hard. Grinning a bit Joy then pushes two fingers between Britney's gasping lips gagging her as she moans loving the way Britney's mouth looks like forced open and moaning while she pays with her tongue with her fingers shoved in.

The two keep fucking to the beat of the music and that is how Tori finds the two when she finally approaches. Well, not quite. By this point Britney is on all fours doggy style with Joy behind her fucking her hard while keeping a firm grasp of Britney's hair in one hand keeping the porn star's back arched and head up, tits forward bouncing from each firm thrust putting on quite the performance. With a hard smack on Britney's slightly stained ass Tori walks up with a grin. "Damn Britney, couldn't wait could you?"

"Fuck off." Britney says looking up with a glare.

Tori just laughs. "Need saving?"

"She doesn't, but I am currently running a two for one special if you are interested." Joy says not stopping her hard thrusting, fucking the hot busty Britney again and again making her busty tits bounce hard. She does let go of Britney's hair to let her talk to Tori though.

"No thanks." Tori says as she realizes this is a lost cause. "Anyone else out here?" She asks directed towards Britney while looking around.

Grunting a bit from getting fucked so hard as Joy grabs both of hips Britney looks up exasperated at having to have this conversation right now. "Lexi is over by the volleyball net." She says before gasping and getting a hard spank making her busty ass jump, finally staining a bit red from Joy's periodic hard slaps while fucking her.

"Thanks." Tori says giving an amused look before going out to seek out Lexi. She does give one last look over her shoulder at Britney getting pounded hard, Joy pushing her head down against the towel now while she fucks the shit out of Britney holding her down. Pretty damn hot. Finally snapping out of it Tori finds the little blonde slut Lexi having some good fun of her own. Tori finds Lexi straddling an extremely hot brunette on a pool chair making the girl beg to eat her out while calling her mistress and periodically allowed to get a few licks in between kissing along her thighs. Meanwhile Lexi is having fun playing with the woman's busty tits while yet another women, also rather athletic and covered with tattoos, is busy eating out and fingering the hot brunette making her moan while talking to Lexi. The tattooed chick is naked giving an incredible view of her raised ass and cunt while she eats out the brunette's ass and fingers her pussy. Her swimsuit is apparently doing other work tying the brunette's legs apart to the chair legs. The brunette's own suit seem to be keeping her own arms tied to the top of the chair. Lexi also looks sexy as hell straddling the chick, a pink butt plug lodged up her hot little shapely ass. Tori just watches for a bit admiring the scene. Lexi's ass was never as big as the others but damn does it always look so good. Sometimes its shape that counts. Well, that's Tori's own philosophy anyways.

Tori doesn't waste any more time and steps right up to the volleyball group next to them apparently playing truth or dare. Tori introduces herself, confident as always, and asks to join them as if it is no real thing. They of course agree after one look at her tall, perfect body perfectly outlined in that designer black one-piece.

As the group starts to play again Lexi finally looks over and gives a beaming smile to Tori that can't help but melt her heart slightly. "Oh hey Tori!" She says happily.

"Hey Lexi." Tori says looking down at the brunette eating her out. "I see you are having fun." She responds which Lexi just grins and nods back to.

"Tori! Truth or Dare?" One of the group asks her making Tori look back.

"Uh, truth?" Tori asks not wanting to actually play, just make out with Lexi to get her points.

"What are your intentions with our Lexi?" They ask to Tori's surprise making her turn back to them. "You aren't going to take her away from us are you?" They ask making a few frown her way. Lexi also looks up curious to hear the answer.

"Oh, wow." Tori laughs lightly not expecting that. Figuring telling the truth won't hurt Tori does just that. "Honestly, just over here to make out with her then head back into the cabin." Tori admits. "She's on my to-do list for the party." She says with another sexy smirk of hers that gives Lexi goosebumps.

"Well you should of just said that." Lexi says stepping off of the pool chair to stand next to Tori with an innocent smile readjusting her swimsuit. She looks back to the tattooed chick paying with the tied up brunette's pussy. "I'll leave Michelle to you. Take good care of her." Lexi says and the tattooed chick nods which Michelle seems to look a little worried about. The other volleyball players laugh when Aurora gets up to smother Michelle in a sixty-nine position but Tori's attention is all on Lexi who presses up against her in the meantime. "Well?" She says looking up super cute and expectant. She really couldn't be any cuter. Not to mention oozing sex appeal.

"Damn, you are too cute for your own good." Tori admits before reaching down to take Lexi's lips softly and slowly as the two press together. Quite a few people watch the two beautiful porn stars make out of course but neither care closing their eyes and enjoying it. Tori figures Lexi is far too innocent for this game but it is hard not to like her. Plus, she knows better. Lexi is just as seasoned with all of this as anyone. She is also rather spunky as Tori starts to feel Lexi's hand reach forward and slip under Tori's one-piece and start rubbing her pussy from behind while cupping her ass. Tori just grins at that and in response starts to kiss the cute little blonde back more passionately, tongues pressing against each other as she presses Lexi back to lean against a palm tree. Tori then, gasping softly from being touched so well by Lexi, runs her hands down to pull Lexi's suit off of her shoulder then down to let her soft, cute little tits pop out the top before bending down to suck on them and play with her tongue making Lexi giggle and stick her chest out biting her tongue and enjoying.

While enjoying Lexi's tits Tori reaches back to pull Lexi's hands off her. Lexi starts to pout but Tori just pulls Lexi's own suit to the side and presses her own hands against her quite slick pussy indicating for her to play with herself. Grinning at that Lexi does as she is asked and starts to put on quite the show playing with herself. Tori, far from done and getting a little lost in the moment then reaches back to play with Lexi's hot little butt plug. Lexi groans and gasps as she worms it in and out and twists it, Tori reaching back up to taste some of those moans along with Lexi's hot little lips. Then just as Lexi really gets into touching herself Tori pops the butt plug out and runs it up between Lexi's lips. She gives a real blush at this, although already quite red from drinking, but as a porn star doesn't hesitate to start sucking on the butt plug that had just been up her ass.

So fucking hot! Especially as she maintains eye contact and keeps playing with herself pushing her hips out. Tori reaches around to push two fingers right up Lexi's ass making the porn star squeal as she gets her tight little asshole fingered by Tori. The dominant porn star makes Lexi suck and gag on the butt plug before pulling it out to replace it with her lips, making out with the hot little blonde just to pull away again and shove the butt plug right back between her lips. As Lexi gags on it again Tori leans back down again to suck on her perky little nipples while fingering Lexi's asshole hard before spreading it as much as she can. Eventually Tori lets herself kiss Lexi enough to get a point.

Then, just as Lexi is building up to quite the orgasm both of their phones go off at once. Blushing as they pull apart they both realize the first round is over. Tori curses softly under her breath not able to meet back up with Asa quickly forgetting about the hot little blonde slut gasping in pleasure in front of her. Did she really spend that much time wandering around the beach watching Britney and Lexi? Well, three points for Tori. Lexi works herself down a bit then just giggles realizing she only got two points and had practically forgotten she was playing the game. Oh well, at least it was fun. Meanwhile down by the beach Britney finally collapses cumming hard from getting fucked so well and so hard from the hot little Asian minx this whole time. She eventually recovers before grabbing her phone. Three points for her. Damn, she thought she would be able to get more. She would have if Joy didn't demand so much of her time. She'll have to chose her targets better in the future. And fuck, those first three should have counted as three! Before Tori walks off she walks back to Lexi, pins her against the tree, and pushes the butt plug right back up her ass promising more fun later. Lexi just squeaks at being dominated so easily and just nods quite turned on.

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