VRX 9000: Sex Games / Offer yourself in a cage (1)

From Create Your Own Story

VRX 9000: Sex Games

The Ayumi Adventures: Invading the Cult

Quest 1: The Mazrim Cult


You think about your options for a while before coming up with a better solution. Preying on the slaves seems needlessly cruel and something you simply don't want to be a part of. And the thought of getting naked with the woman makes you almost throw yourself into a rage. No, you won't do either of those. You won't do what this woman wants. To turn you into her. You won't do it. You put your sword on top of a nearby dresser, then start to take off your armor and do the same. Zuna just smiles, almost purring, and watches you with a playful smile. You take it off piece by piece, staring her down the whole time. There is only one thing to do to both gain her trust and keep yourself away from becoming what she wants you to be. It is the last thing you want to do, but it is the best way.

Finishing taking off your armor you can tell Zuna expects you to come to her then, looking over your body greedily. If she thinks she is going to mutually fuck with you she is dead wrong. You are a fighter, and you don't like easy solutions. Your body moves slow, your mind is fighting this. But your heart eventually wins out and grows strong and you step into a nearby cage, closing the door on yourself. Zuna looks shocked and confused, stepping forward with a frown. You toss your dagger onto the dress through the bars then just stand there staring at her with fierce eyes. "I am yours to do what you want with. There is your trust, apprentice. Use me as you see fit then let us move on without this disgusting fetish of yours."

Zuna walks up to the cage eyeing you with an unknown expression then finally takes the key to the cage and locks it, tossing it to the side. She looks at you then, a smile creeping across her lips finally. The bitch better not decide to double cross you after all this. The only way to show trust is to trust the other person completely. It is the only way. She showed trust by sending the guards away, you will be honorable and give it fully back. It will never be said that you were any less than an honor bound fighter of good.

"An interesting choice, fighter. You indeed are showing quite a bit of trust in me. What makes you think I'll ever let you go?" She says with a playful smirk, eyeing you through the bars.

You shrug, just keeping your fierce persona. "Do what you will Zuna, when I do something I do it completely. You should have no doubt in my trust now. Get this over with."

A wide grin runs along Zuna's face at that, eyes brightening. "Strip. Completely. Now." She purrs finally, watching you carefully. You simply nod, slowly beginning to strip. You curse slightly inside, part of you had thought she might let you out of the cage after your display of trust. You should of known you wouldn't get it so easy with someone as twisted as her. You pull off your tank top then slide down your leggings. Remembering her completely command you then unhook your bra before bending over to slide down your panties tossing them all out of the cage. You stand there completely naked now, at her mercy. But your eyes are fierce, nothing she can do will truely break you.

Zuna seems like a child who just got exactly what she wanted for her birthday present, eyeing you greedily. A powerful busty woman with the perfect athletic and firm body doing everything she commands. She obviously can't decide what to do first. "You will call me mistress from now on." Zuna purrs again, stepping close. "Got it pet?"

"Yes mistress." You reply without a hint of sarcasm.

"You will answer to Pura now pet. You understand? That is now your name."

"I am Pura, mistress. I understand." You reply, face blank. She won't humiliate you that easily.

Zuna purrs more, leaning against the bars. "Turn your back to me and present your wrists Pura." She leans over and opens a nearby drawer by instant and pulls out some metal cuffs. You just do as she says, you are already behind bars. She cuffs your hands in cold steel moments later, forcing your wrists together with no link. Zuna has to stop herself then from running her hands through the cage and just feeling your body then, you can tell. Her hands almost trembling. She stops herself though, looking down. "On your knees Pura, and face me."

You do as she asks, getting on your knees with your hands behind your back. You face her and spread your thighs revealing your pussy that you know she wants to see. "Like this mistress?" You reply.

"Very good Pura." Zuna purrs once more. "Now, I want you to touch yourself like that. Give your mistress a show to show how good of a pet you are."

"Yes mistress." You respond, you knew this was likely. Pulling your hands in front of you to touch yourself was impossible in this position, so there was only one way to do it. Leaning back slightly and stretching your arms your run your hands below your ass to run your fingers over your naked cunt from behind. As you start to rub yourself you know you are a hot sight, Zuna staring hungrily at you. You have some doubt for the first time then. Will lust eventually overcome her want to have an alliance with you? Will she just keep you in passion?

Regardless you continue, rubbing your pussy until you start to get yourself wet slowly but surely. There isn't much to actually turn you on besides the motion. Zuna squeezes her own breast in lust as she watches you, pressing her hips against the bars slightly grinding against it as you turn her on. You just keep touching yourself and eventually you give a soft moan and a slight blush. You finally start to run your fingers up your pussy from behind and grind your hips against your hands, making yourself moan some more for Zuna's appetite.

The more you moan the more it seems to turn Zuna on until she obviously has had too much. She finally picks up the key and opens the cage, stepping forward to you. "Don't stop Pura." She commands, then walks up to you, pulling down her latex panties to toss to the side. You keep fingering yourself turning a little red from pleasure. "Lean your head back." She commands and you do so, a little nervous about what she intends.

Zuna then sits on your face, burying your mouth in her pussy and the rest in her ass. "Lick me, fighter." She commands, starting to take off her top as you run your tongue up to slide along her also wet cunt. As you start to eat her out hardly able to breath Zuna starts to rock her hips slightly, taking her top off to be completely naked before running one hand down to grip your hair keeping you like that while the other is used to squeeze her tits over and over adding to the pleasure.

You do the best you can, gasping loudly whenever Zuna remembers to sit up and let you breath. But she is always back face sitting you shortly after smothering you with her ass and dripping cunt. You tongue her the best you can, sucking on her pussy lips with your own lips and sliding your tongue up her slit and flick her clit until Zuna is moaning and gripping your hair a little too hard. You can hardly stand it but fight through it, pleasure her over and over.

Zuna is in heaven, squeezing her breasts and playing with her tits while rocking her hips on the amazing lips of her new slave. It wasn't long before Zuna started to grind her hips super hard against your tongue and forgetting to let you breath she holds you there until she has an shuddering orgasm cumming all over your face. When she is finally done she sits up and you gasp deeply for air. You then give a soft moan as you keep fingering yourself relentlessly from behind. You are surprised you've almost brought yourself to your own orgasm.

Zuna happily turns around to face you then after dismounting you and letting your head come back up. "Oh, I'm not done with that tongue yet." She purrs, stepping forward to your deep annoyance to shove her muff right into your face against swallowing your mouth with it. You can taste her pussy juice and almost gag but you do as your told, running your tongue out once more to pleasure her. Zuna grabs your hair then keeping you there as she grinds her pussy up and down across your face. She looks down with a playful grin then, biting her lip as you keep tonguing her. "Don't you dare cum yourself down there pet or I'll have to punish you. But go faster, I want you to moan into my pussy."

You manage to actually blush at that, her perversions have no end! But you dutifully start to thrust your fingers further into your pussy stretching yourself. It isn't hard to give her real moans then actually surprised at how turned on you are by all of this. You start to moan into her pussy between sliding your tongue up her, both of which seem to please her equally. She then finally screams in pleasure as she grinds her pussy against your tongue in yet another orgasm.

You are disgusted as she pulls away, cum covering your face and dropping down onto your firm taunt tits which she notices your nipples are taunt with a grin. You give an involuntary loud moan then as you keep stretching your own cunt shoving your fingers in further and further starting to grind your hips faster and faster against yourself. It is starting to feel extremely good, you are starting to want to orgasm yourself. You hope she lets you, but you have a feeling she will be cruel. How long will it take to appease her trust?

Giving a devilish grin Zuna then touches you gently with a finger and suddenly a shiver runs through your body and you look up at her alarmed. "What did you just do to me?"

Grinning from ear to ear Zuna just shakes her head. "Finger yourself harder pet." You do so, pumping your fingers up your cunt from behind faster and faster. Finally you can't take it anymore, on the brink of orgasm as you keep grinding your wet cunt against your penetrating fingers over and over.

"Oh fuck....!" You cry out before biting your lip, barely holding off the orgasm. You look at her pleadingly. The bitch better not make you beg.

Zuna just purrs. "You may orgasm pet."

You don't take any time, thrusting your fingers in as hard as you can. Pleasure explodes through your body to the point where you can't stand it and you finally moan deeply bringing yourself past the brink. And then... nothing. Your eyes shoot wide open in shock as you try to orgasm but can't, staying right there on the brink of immeasurable pleasure without actually obtaining it. You moan loudly with real horror found in your eyes as you try to pump harder but to no avail. "Oh GOD!" You cry out, looking to Zuna's knowing smirk.

"You didn't call me mistress earlier, when you asked what I did. I was just going to show you I was capable of it, but for your punishment i'm going to leave you like this." She says, smirking and walking out of the cage. "Stand up pet and stop touching yourself."

Standing up you find it is harder than you would of thought, weak and trembling with pleasure. The bitch! You eye her fiercely but she just giggles and grabs some items from a drawer. To your horror she pulls out a large vibrator. "Spread your legs pet." She commands." Your eyes are pleading but you know it is no use, you have to see this through no matter what. You do and your new mistress slides the thick vibrator all the way up your trembling wet cunt. You moan each step of the way, shuddering when it pressed all the way against your cervix. You bite your lip as hard as you can to stop from screaming.

Then you go pale as Zuna puts a chastity belt on you, locking it before putting it to the side with the cage key. The entire vibrator is stuck in your pussy now! Oh my god! You look at her with increasingly nervous looks, wanting to speak badly but manage to stop. Zuna just smirks. "Now to really win my trust fighter." She then shoves a red ball gag in your mouth before giving it a kiss with a giggle and walking out of the cage locking it behind her. "I'll keep you there for a while, I don't want to ignore my other pets and let you have the fun after all."

Then with that she walks away, her naked amazingly hot ass swaying behind her. She is going to leave you like this? You can hardly stand the fake dick splitting you in half! But as Zuna opens the door she holds up a pink remote control and suddenly slides a dial. Your eyes roll up into the top of your head as a scream escapes your gag as the vibrator is turned on. Your knees instantly buckle under you as an explosion of pleasure wracks your body. You fall over slamming your tits hard into the ground as you lay there on your knees screaming in pleasure as the vibrator that has no room vibrates violently inside you twisting your inside.

The pleasure is unbelievable and you start to shake violently. You are wetter than you've ever been but with her spell you can't cum. You've never imagined a torture this cruel! You spasm in pleasure, she is just going to leave you like this!? Tears start to leak from your eyes as you squirm on the ground restrained as the pleasure pounds your poor cunt relentlessly. You can't stand this, you can't! You can't possibly do this even a second longer! A long deep moan escapes your lips as Zuna closes the door behind her.


What do you do?


Current Status: 85% - Normal, Aroused

Current Items: None.

Current Alignment: (11/20) - Neutral

Main Quest: Find the Heirloom

Side Quests: None


Surge of Strength: x2

Intimidation: x1

Heart of Steel: x2

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