VRX 9000: Sex Games / Chapter 3: Out In The Open

From Create Your Own Story

VRX 9000: Sex Games

My Roommate: Chapter 3


"Oh come on, you made it this far." Caitlyn said with a frown, tugging on the leash harder making Tiffany step out. And then to Tiffany's surprise they made it half way down the width wise of their own apartment block before Caitlyn pushed Tiffany up against the wall, pressing her own body against her. They were practically in full view of most of the other apartments, though most people would only drive by this spot. Caitlyn moved up close to Tiffany, their bodies meshing together. Caitlyn ran a thigh up between Tiffany's legs pressing it against her naked cunt causing Tiffany to gasp.

Caitlyn smiled then, Tiffany was so fucking hot. "Just stay here long enough for me to finish with you and you're good, ok?" Caitlyn kissed Tiffany softly once.

Blushing as how close Caitlyn was and gasping slightly from the thigh pressed against her pussy Tiffany nodded slightly. "Ok, ok." Tiffany was extremely embarrassed but no one was close yet. And Caitlyn's lips were so soft. "I trust you."

Grinning Caitlyn kissing her a few times again gently. "Good." With that Caitlyn took Tiffany's lips fully in hers, kissing her passionately a few times and running a hand down to grab her amazing ass which just melted in her grip.

Tiffany just blushed, amazing turned on as Caitlyn pressed against her and took her full lips in hers pressing against her pussy harder. The girl sure knew what she was doing. I'm not a lesbian, I'm not a lesbian. I can get through this. God that feels good...

Caitlyn ran a hand up Tiffany's amazing stomach and squeezed her breast causing Tiffany to give out a small moan. Caitlyn smiled at that, squeezing it all the more loving having her amazingly hot roommate all to herself. She was planning on enjoying it to the fullest.

Loving her amazing ass in her hands, Caitlyn squeezed it hard loving the sounds coming out of Tiffany as she moaned in excitement. Caitlyn just smirked at Tiffany's overly alert face, flicking her nipples bringing the girl back to attention.

Tiffany could hardly stand it, turned on from before with an expert lesbian playing with her body at will. And then a car drove by as Tiffany got one of her nipples flicked, blushing deeply. They had to of seen. How could they not of? But the car kept driving. But suddenly Caitlyn pulled Tiffany's head back to her, kissing her deeply once before sliding her tongue between her lips causing Tiffany to moan deeply and lean her head back against the wall, Caitlyn following staying in the kiss and parting Tiffany's lips.

Tiffany just blushed deeply, finally closing her eyes and enjoying the kiss, her body loving Caitlyn's every touch. Caitlyn's tongue slid over her own expertly, extracting moan after moan between Caitlyn taking her lips fully with her own. Tiffany couldn't believe how much she was liking it. Other guys had never kisses her near as well.

Not stopping there though, Caitlyn ran a hand away from Tiffany's amazing tight ass and started to rub slowly on Tiffany exposed pussy. Tiffany instantly let out a soft sob, horrified at being forced to cum out in the open like this. Another car was coming by, this time with a guy looking out the window. Tiffany's eyes went wide as suddenly Caitlyn's lips left hers, running along Tiffany's neck instead.

Grinning, Caitlyn then slid her middle finger up Tiffany's pussy, finger fucking her as deeply as she could get it. Without Tiffany's lips over hers and with her roommates finger all the way up her Tiffany's moans were loud and not muffled, just in time for the guy passing to hear. He looked over and caught Tiffany's eye. He stared as he drove off, looking her over as much as he could. Tiffany just blushed deeply in humiliation. She thought she knew that guy. But then Caitlyn brought her face back to hers, leaving Tiffany's neck for a bit. "Look up to the right."

Tiffany blushes then, looking where she indicated. To her horror on the other side of the street, two stories up, two guys and a girl had their window open and all three were checking Caitlyn and Tiffany out. To Tiffany's horror they were video taping it. "Oh my god Caitlyn! Please!"

Grinning, Caitlyn just picked up the pace, starting to finger fuck Tiffany harder enjoying how embarrassed Tiffany was getting. Tiffany just brought her head to the side in humiliation, moaning deeply as Caitlyn pinched her nipple. "Lets put on a show for them." Caitlyn purred. And with that, Caitlyn pulled her finger out, sliding it up Tiffany's perfect stomach.

"Suck it clean please." Caitlyn said with a evil grin. Tiffany just looks at her in horror. But being submissive Tiffany just blushes more, leaning forward and starts sucking on Caitlyn's middle finger. The two suddenly hear hoots coming from the window. Tiffany's blush deepens, closing her eyes and doing her best to suck the finger, ignoring her own juices running up and down it, Caitlyn still playing with her breasts.

"Haha, you're good at that. I bet you've had some practice you dirty little girl." Caitlyn says with a smirk. Tiffany just opens her eyes, extremely embarrassed. Caitlyn shoves it in one more time before pulling it out. Caitlyn looks over Tiffany good then. She is so fucking hot with her face red in embarrassment, her body completely exposed and trembling wanting an orgasm. Caitlyn was so fucking turned on she could hardly help it.

"God, I just can't take it anymore." Caitlyn mutters, pressing Tiffany back up against the wall. Tiffany just looks up at her submissively, wanting this to be done as quickly as possible trying her best to avoid the cat calls from the window. Suddenly though Tiffany's eyes go wide, Caitlyn's fingers finding her clit and starting to rub it extremely quickly.

"Oh my god!" Tiffany cries out, arcing her body away from Caitlyn's expertly moving fingers.

Caitlyn however just leans forward, lips inches from Tiffany's. "You like me Tiffany?" Blushing deeply, Tiffany looks at her, resisting the urge to kiss her back. But she wanted Caitlyn to kiss her so badly. She needed it! Her body was trembling violently, she was so close to orgasm! Caitlyn just rubbed over her clit harder causing Tiffany to give out a bigger moan "Say it." Caitlyn said, grinning and running her lips extremely lightly over Tiffany's.

Tiffany just moaned, horrified at how badly she was teasing her. But there was really no choice, she couldn't stand it anymore. "I... I like you!"

Caitlyn raised an eyebrow. "And?"

Your eyes go wide, embarrassed all the more. "I like you, mistress."

Smirking, Caitlyn came forward as if to take Tiffany's lips with hers, but at the last second just brushed them against hers, pulling her hand away from Tiffany's pussy. "Mm, I'm not sure I believe you Tiffany. Earlier you were pretty sure you didn't like other girls."

Tiffany just looks up, embarrassment covering her face as her body trembles, wanting Caitlyn's touch more than anything not even thinking about the fact that she was a girl. "Oh god, please!" Tiffany catches herself then though. "Please, Mistress Caitlyn!"

Caitlyn just grins, bringing her hands up to fully squeeze both of Tiffany's breasts. "Mm.. I think I'm starting to like the sound of that." Tiffany just moans as Caitlyn runs her thumbs over both of her erect nipples, looking to the side. "You still sure you want to be my little sex slave?"

Tiffany looks up, slightly humiliated in her position. She wanted Caitlyn, a girl, to make her orgasm more than anything. And now she was going to be a sex slave to a girl! Bondage was a little frightening, but Tiffany had never been more turned on in her life. "Yes, my lesbian lover mistress." Tiffany says with a small smirk before biting her lip.

Caitlyn couldn't be more turned on by Tiffany saying that. And with a grin leaned forward meshing against Tiffany and locking lips with a passionate kiss, instantly running her tongue into Tiffany's amazing mouth causing both girls to give a moan. Tiffany was taken aback, kissing back just as passionately getting lost in the kiss. Caitlyn took complete advantage, snaking her arm around Tiffany forcing the two together grabbing her amazing ass, other hand working furiously on Tiffany's clit.

Tiffany started bucking against Caitlyn's hand, getting her pussy rubbed as well as her clit. It was too much, Tiffany starting to cry out over and over. Caitlyn couldn't believe she had such an amazing pussy grinding against her, loving hearing Tiffany's moans as she ran her tongue forcefully against Tiffany's. But finally she smirked, feeling Tiffany's body press up hard against trembling like crazy as she shoved her hips forward. Tiffany was ready to orgasm. Caitlyn thought briefly of denying it to her, she loved the hot girl squirming in her arms begging to orgasm. But she wasn't that mean, rubbing even harder pressing Tiffany's hips back up against the wall as she brought her into an orgasm, kissing her and tasting her amazing lips as she screamed.

A few seconds later Caitlyn pulled away, looking over Tiffany's heaving body who was breathing a little hard, blushing as Caitlyn pulled her fingers away from Tiffany's delicate pussy. "Good girl." Caitlyn said with a grin, brushing some of Tiffany's hair back. "You are so fucking hot. I bet we gave them a show they'll never forget." The two looked back to the window, and to Tiffany's horror at least three other windows were open, watching the two.

Tiffany, beat red in humiliation, quickly turned to Caitlyn. "Can we go back now?"

Caitlyn puts a finger up to her mouth, looking as if she is just considering it. "I don't know... I think I can have a little more fun with you out here." She leaned back up against Tiffany then smirking.

Tiffany's face lights up in shock. "You said you'd bring me back if I let you finish me!" struggling a little now.

Caitlyn just grins as she holds her there. "Oh did I now?" Acting as if she had forgotten. "You sure you don't want to make out with me some more?"

"Caitlyn!" Tiffany cries out, watching another car go by. She is pretty sure they are looking at her as well. Before long the whole apartment complex is going to see her. "You said!"

Laughing, Caitlyn just pulls off of Tiffany, grabbing her leash. God Tiffany looked hot with that leash down between her breasts. "Oh fine then." And with that gave a small tug, Tiffany a little startled getting yanked on before catching up and walking behind Caitlyn.

"Nice ass!" Someone yelled, causing Tiffany to blush even deeper as she could feel her ass swaying behind her as she followed Tiffany. Then her eyes popped open as Caitlyn gave her a small slap on the ass.

"Caitlyn!" Tiffany cried out indignantly.

Just ignoring her though with a big grin on her face, Caitlyn slowly led the two back to the apartment. Tiffany practically jumped inside, looking around quickly. Their other two roommates were still not home. Caitlyn brought them back into Tiffany's room, closing the door behind them. Leaving Tiffany to stand in the middle of the room, Caitlyn looked her up and down. "Well, part three complete." She put on a thoughtful face then. "I guess I lost. Thought for sure that last one would get ya"

Tiffany just grins at that a little bit. "Hell no. You have to be my mistress now. Your womanly ways can't sway me."

Caitlyn just smirks at that. "I guess your right."


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