VRX 9000: Sex Games / Chapter 2: The First Choice

From Create Your Own Story

VRX 9000: Sex Games

Tsunade's Plan: Chapter 2


Hearing a long anticipated knock once again, Tsunade looked up from her pile of paperwork. It was several hours since her meeting with the others and her anticipation had done nothing but grow. But she contained herself for now, she had to get this done first. The door cracked open and a young girl slipped in, just the girl Tsunade wanted to see. Tsunade's secretary Shizune, whom constantly traveled with Tsunade and helped with all of her paperwork, greeted the young girl as she came in, exchanging smiles and hellos. But it didn't last long as Shizune deftly slipped back to her work and the girl quickly positioned herself in front of Tsunade's desk and stood at attention. Her name was Sakura and she was Tsunade's pupil and had been so for the last two years. Tsunade was teaching her the ways of the medical ninja and was training the girl to her capacity, something the girl took on with a great determination. She had shoulder length pink hair that didn't quite come down past her shoulders much with generous bangs to compliment her. She was a teenager at the age of eighteen with a body to show for it. She was slightly on the skinny side though and could only boast a normal upper body though her legs and generous hips more than made up for it. She wore a red training outfit that resembled a dress that was low cut at about her mid thigh and came up to cover her up to her neck and over her shoulders. Underneath the dress she wore short training shorts for practicality that only stuck out a few inches from under her dress. Over all she was a beautiful young lady who kept herself well composed, all the more so under Tsunade's strict training. She was also Tsunade's first target.

Tsunade glanced over her once before looking back to her paperwork, masking her excitement. "Your late, but I've gotten behind on my paperwork so it works out." She then looked up to the girl and smiled at her, "We will be training out in the woods today and will be working on your strength. I hope you've been practicing."

A bit confused, Sakura tilted her head a bit, "But haven’t I mastered how to augment my strength to the fullest?" Sakura was a bright young ninja and had a lot of potential, typically questioning things as she went which helped her learn. It wasn't beyond her to notice a strange habit in training though there was no way to know what exactly Tsunade had planned for her.

Tsunade just grinned smugly, looking up to the girl, "So you think you've gotten to your full potential in strength? Are you as strong as me?" She watched as the girl's face turn slightly red as she shook it. "That’s what I thought. At your full potential you should be able to pass even me in strength, though it will take time. Your very skilled but don't get cocky." She smiled satisfactorily as Sakura nodded her head in comprehension and silent thanks to her praise. "Meet me in forest in about fifteen minutes, I'll have to catch up."

"As you wish Tsunade-Sama, I‘ll go right away." Sakura replied with a smile, doing a small bow and taking her leave. Tsunade couldn't help but grin to herself as finished up the last of her paperwork anticipating what was to come. She finished about five minutes later however and quickly left the room leaving Shizune to handle her affairs. She had left herself some time and quickly made a detour to her room, grabbing a small bag and putting it in her robes before heading out to the forest to her awaiting Sakura. She could feel the anticipation rising in her and could hardly hold it back though she knew she needed to keep her composure until she was in the safety of the woods.

It wasn't long before she arrived in the designated training ground in the woods jumping from tree to tree like the skilled ninja she was. They had a specific training ground they went to every time for Sakura's training and it worked perfectly for this occasion being a good distance into the woods away from the village. She slowed down right before she arrived as she heard the sounds of her pupil training already, letting herself land just a bit off the outskirts of the open area to observe for a while. She gazed through a slot in the leaves and found Sakura punching the air in a small clearing doing an exercise to warm herself up for the harder training. Tsunade let herself watch the young girl for a while, eagerly watching the delicate curves of the girl's body press against her outfit as she moved around in her workout. Tsunade had watched Sakura from the first time she had laid eyes on her, more than glad enough when she had the chance to train the young girl herself. Until now Sakura had just been a tease, but now maybe Tsunade would get some pleasure out of her. Finally though Tsunade couldn't hold in her anticipation any longer and jumped down into the clearing with her student. She did her best to forget how nervous she was as she landed, knowing that giving anything away might turn out for the worst. She had to stay calm for just a little longer, though the truth was she would be nervous until everyone had brought their two prizes back to her hideout.

"Hello Tsunade-Sama!" shouted Sakura noticing her sensei land in the practice area with an excited voice, running over to her as Tsunade walked towards her. "I've already finished my warm-up exercises. With your training I’ll become strong enough to protect my friends! What are we working on today?" Tsunade just smiled to the young girl, noting her innocence and eagerness for training. She was about to get into some training that she was entirely not prepared for.

"Oh and I suppose you think your strong enough to do things like that already Sakura?" Sakura grinned and turned fully to Tsunade then, obviously ready to be tested. "Well you sure have the confidence and the determination I can see,” Tsunade continued, “but I need to make sure you have enough strength to do go further."

With that Sakura stopped smiling and nodded, determination going over her face. "I have learned all you have taught me in strength, if there is more you can teach me please do so!"

Smiling still Tsunade nodded, "I will indeed teach you how to be strong Sakura, and I'm about to test exactly how strong you are now." She had Sakura's full attention now and reached into the pouch she had put in her robes, pulling out two metal wrist and ankle cuffs that were two inches wide and one fourth an inch thick. "If you can break out of these, you are strong enough to go to the next level and learn more of my teachings."

Sakura looked at the cuffs with a bit of surprise but her face hardened and she moved over to Tsunade offering her wrists, resolved to do whatever it took to become stronger despite the strange methods. "Put them on me I'm not afraid! I'll do whatever it takes to prove to you that I am strong enough to stay your student!" Tsunade couldn't be happier at the girls reaction to her plot, holding down her explosive anticipation for just a little longer. She had waited a long time for this moment, she couldn't screw it up now.

"Well then turn around and put your hands together, we have to do this in a realistic position, not to mention I'm making it harder on you by making you break through them with them behind your back. Stand up straight as well and put your feet together, your going to have to do this with both attached." Tsunade could feel her heart thumping as her prey turned around deftly and put her wrists together behind her lower back doing everything she ordered. She was actually falling for it and Tsunade couldn't be happier! Her arms shook as she moved forward and clamped the cuffs around Sakura's wrists and locked them, letting out a small sigh of relief before quickly stopping it. Sakura didn't seem to notice so Tsunade slowly bent down to put the other cuffs between Sakura's ankles, once again locking them together, her arms still shaking slightly. She then reached for one of the last items in her pouch and stood up again, her arms moving with resolve now, letting herself take charge now that she was so close. But then Sakura started to speak.

"So can I try and break out now..." Sakura began, but Tsunade saw her chance and knew there was no going back as Sakura started to speak, bringing her arms around Sakura's head and shoving a ball gag right into her open mouth bringing the straps behind her head and securing them in one swift motion. She could almost feel Sakura's eyes widen in surprise and she finished with the gag, instantly going for the final device to secure Sakura. Sakura stood there in shock for just a second before trying to bring up her hands and break free in desperation, a muffled sound of surprise coming from beneath the gag. It was just long enough for Tsunade to get out her last piece though, a metal cord belt. Tsunade had it around her waist within a second and as Sakura's arms and hands raised she as she started to struggle she grabbed them and pushed them down against the cord, locking them to it and effectively to her body. She then tightened the cord for good measure and it was done. She could see Sakura straining already to break free of the cuffs but was sure that she could not. They were specially made and enhanced with chakra, able to hold even the strongest ninja with ease, a necessity Tsunade knew she would need.

Sakura's eyes shone with desperation now as she struggled worriedly trying to break free not knowing what was going on, falling forward as the cuffs tripped her, crying out in fear as she fell forward. But Tsunade quickly moved forward and swooped an arm around her waist stopping her fall and pulling her back up against her body, for the first time running her arm around the delicate teen snugly. She had been waiting for this moment for too long and didn't hesitate to reap the benefits of her new found prize. Amid muffled cries of confusion Tsunade ran her other arm around Sakura's body, finally letting both of her hands come and squeeze Sakura's breasts fully bringing forth a humiliated cry from Sakura who was slowly realizing what was going on. Tsunade just smiled, pulling the girl back against her fully, squeezing and playing with her breasts firmly loving the feeling of the delicate teens full breasts in her grasp.

"What’s wrong Sakura, can't break free?" Tsunade chimed in her ear now, her confidence rising, squeezing the girls taunt breasts savagely now, laughing as Sakura still struggled against her restraints and let out alarmed muffled cries realizing everything fully after Tsunade spoke. Sakura struggled helplessly trying to break free but it was to no use against Tsunade‘s strength and was already under her control. Tsunade grinned wolfishly then, going to run her tongue along her victims neck seductively loving the feeling of the girl struggling in her arms and loving the taste of her innocent bare skin. Squeezing Sakura's breasts savagely again through her outfit Tsunade grinned as Sakura let out a shriek and a cry once more, loving how helpless and exposed the girl was. "What’s wrong Sakura?" Tsunade started again, snaking a hand down to lift up Sakura's outfit a bit to expose the girls pink underwear, going to rub her hand over Sakura’s delicate pussy through it. "Do you not like getting taken advantage of?” With that tears started to roll down Sakura's cheeks, delighting Tsunade all the more as she savagely squeezed the girls breasts and tore off her underwear. Tsunade’s hand then came back up, using them both to rip the girls dress from the collar buttons down giving her a generous view of the girls cleavage.

"Your a nice looking bitch aren't you?" Tsunade cooed in Sakura's ear, running her hands to free Sakura's breasts from the remains of the top of her outfit letting them spill out before her. Sakura made a muffled scream as Tsunade went to pull on her fully exposed nipples, tugging and pinching them savagely making her struggle all the harder. Tears rolled down Sakura's cheeks as she endured Tsunade's rough hands, crying out in pain and fear to no avail unable to get away from her tormentors hands. Tsunade went to kiss teasingly along her neck then, reveling in the domination of such a prize under her control, letting herself soak in the feeling fully as she squeezed Sakura's breasts and pinched her nipples to her hearts content causing muffled screams. Tsunade grinned evilly once more though and ran a hand down to plunge three fingers into Sakura's delicate cunt forcefully, finger fucking her brutally while still squeezing the girls breast with her other hand. Tsunade smiled as she was rewarded with more desperate muffled moans and sobbing tears from the girl, plunging her fingers further into the girl ravaging her more brutally than she started.

"You like getting touched don't you Sakura? I can hear your moans." She then spat in the girls ear. She laughed as Sakura's face lit up with crimson, kissing along her neck cruelly as tears ran down the girls face. Tsunade then picked up the pace with her hand and not long afterwards heard the muffled screams of Sakura's orgasm, forcing her to the brink already. Tsunade found herself filled with lust at forcing her pet into orgasm and knew she was getting very wet herself, reveling once more as the girls juices flowed over her fingers and the girls muffled moans increased with her tears, driving her fingers deep into the girls gaping pussy. Finally she stopped thrusting into her and brought her hand away to squeeze and cup Sakura's breasts savagely again, running her tongue along Sakura’s neck. "Your finally mine Sakura, mine."

Sakura stood their weekly in Tsunade’s arms after her exploding orgasm, tears rolling down her cheek and a muffled whimper escaped her gag in utter humiliation. "Oh don't act to sad Sakura" piped in Tsunade enthusiastically, "I'll get to use you at my leisure from now on and I'll give you a pet name all to your own." Tsunade grinned as Sakura's eyes went wide with sudden realization of never escaping, a fresh wave of tears and sobs taking over her. "Yes that’s right slut, I'm not letting you go. I'm going to keep you as my little pet and use your body to my hearts content. You'll learn to love it Sakura, and you'll be my own little sex toy for my pleasure." With that Tsunade ran her hands over Sakura's body feeling every inch of her exposed flesh enjoying it to the fullest as Sakura stood there crimson red in humiliation and defeat sobbing hopelessly, shoving her pet to the ground when she was done.

"But now I'm going to fuck you hard you little slut," Tsunade started, pulling out the last object from her bag and putting it on, moving down sitting on Sakura and yank her head up by her hair causing a muffled shriek before adding "and I’m going to love it." With that Tsunade shoved the end of her strap on deep into Sakura's pussy from behind receiving a muffled scream and more tears to her delight. She then started to fuck her hard, letting all eight inches of her strap on ride deep into pussy, loving the muffles screams and moans from Sakura as she was fucked hard, keeping the girls head up by her hair as she fucked her. Tsunade noted with a grin that Sakura had stopped struggling against her restraints and had given up, picking up the pace all the more just thinking about how helpless Sakura was before her. Tsunade grinned as she rocked her hips against the luscious hips of Sakura, forcing her strap on deep between them. Finally Tsunade forced Sakura into another screaming orgasm plunging her strap on deep into Sakura's gaping cunt loving the girls muffled screams and desperate tears. After a while Tsunade withered to a slow pace as Sakura's cries tuned down to a whimper.

She then stopped and pulled her strap on out of her new pet‘s pussy, pulling her around to where she was upright. Sakura’s face was crimson red and her tear stained eyes were filled with humiliation and submission. Tsunade looked over her pet’s body full of lust, gazing over her ravaged pussy and delicate hips as well as her luscious breasts and nipples. It was too much for her and she quickly took off her strap on tossing it to the side. She then took the gag off Sakura before taking off her pants and thong, letting Sakura adjust to not having a gag filled mouth. She then moved to kneel above the girls face grinning as Sakura looked up at her with fearful eyes when she looked over her luscious lips with lust, her now exposed pussy very wet and excited.

"Now your going to return the pleasure," Tsunade spat as she brought herself down and grabbed Sakura's hair bringing her aching pussy right into the girls face. For a few seconds Sakura struggled against her, tears leaking from her eyes once more as she couldn't get away. But she wasn't using her tongue to Tsunade’s frustration. Tsunade then quickly grabbed a long thin stick off the ground and swiped it hard against Sakura's upper thigh, getting a muffled shriek from Sakura. "Lick bitch." Tsunade spat again, swiping the stick against Sakura's exposed skin again near the same spot causing Sakura to cry out in pain again, a red mark appearing this time. "I said lick bitch!" Tears streamed down Sakura's face at the pain but she gave in humiliated to Tsunade's pleasure, her tongue finally flicking against her masters wet cunt. Tsunade gripped the girls hair in pleasure letting out a gasp finally getting what she wanted. "Yeess that a good little slut. Good girl." Tsunade was in heaven as she felt Sakura's exploring tongue slip over her aching clit, gripping the girls hair and shoving her pussy harder against her face. "Yyyeeesss, faster!" Tsunade started to cry out again, rocking her hips a bit as Sakura's tongue ran over her wet pussy the best she could dreading punishment. Every once in a while though Sakura's tongue stopped just for a second however another red mark would appear on her thigh causing a muffled scream each time. Sakura was too humiliated and disgusted to struggle any more, knowing it was hopeless. Finally though Sakura figured out what Tsunade liked to her teachers delight and it wasn't long before Sakura's delicate tongue forced her into a tremendous orgasm as she rocked her hips hard against the girls face screaming in pleasure. Finally though Tsunade lifted herself up and looked over Sakura once she was through, her face covered in tears and cum and her thighs covered in red slash marks circling her pussy.

Sakura looked completely defeated, looking up at Tsunade fully humiliated and submissive fearing punishment. Tsunade grinned at the site before forcing the ball gag back between her beautiful lips and tightening it around her head once more. She then put her thong and pants back on quite satisfied with Sakura, looking over her prize with a deft satisfaction. "Your a good little pet aren't ya?" she said then as she put her strap on back into her pouch after wiping it on Sakura's breasts, grinning again as Sakura started to weep more in humiliation as she did that. "But its time to go home now slave, I've got more work to do and its getting late." With that Tsunade picked up Sakura and put her over her shoulder and began to walk off with her into the forest. Sakura just sobbed silently on their way back, her thighs and pussy aching. But Tsunade paid no mind as she silently headed back to her tower through the woods, being careful not to be seen. There was a secret passage back to the tower from the wall that only she knew about and no one was bound to be in the tower towards the time she would be getting back. Except Shizune.


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