VRX 9000: Sex Games / Blue Glyph (1).

From Create Your Own Story

VRX 9000: Sex Games

Random Adventures - Temple Adventure

Round 1: Goblin Attack


Your Character:

Your level: 1.

Your health: Healthy.

Your equipment: Medium Armor, Sword.

Your allies: None.

Your abilities: Surge of Strength, Iron Skin.


The Story:

You decide to choose the blue glyph. The green one disappears and the blue glyph glows brightly summoning your first challenge in the temple. The glow of the glyph feels warm and you grin. You choose the easy challenge. You should be able to make an easy start of this place. You hear the sounds of summoning and spot goblins appearing in small blue circles of light around the room. Two of them appear on top of the hill. Another two appear on your left near the rune and another appears near the door to your right. The goblins immediately give a shriek and fling themselves at you with their small frames and daggers. At least the ones near you. The two on the hill pull back on their short bows and start to rain arrows down upon you. It seems they have some sense of tactics.

As the goblins rush forward you step easily into the lone goblin to your right and slices through him like butter unsummoning the creature in a screech of pain. You then dodge to the side and lower your shoulder pads into the two arrows, dodging one while deflecting the second. As the goblins reload the two other goblins surround you striking with their small blades. The creatures are unusually cunning but you are well trained against their kind. You keep on your feet dodging their attacks. The little green guys are quick and able to keep you flanked but they are just not strong or large enough to make it count. You defeat one as your armor deflects his counter attack then roll behind the other simultaneously dodging another two arrows. As you spring up from your roll you take off the third goblin's head.

A simple charge up the hill later the two goblins curse and scream and drop their bows and pull out small sharp weapons at a vain attempt at melee. They try and put their backs to a boulder but you simply make a mighty leap on top of the boulder and the two both scream and dodge away in different directions. Separated, you lunge at one running downhill and easily dispatch him. The last one charges you from the side and you parry his blows twice before slashing through his weak armor effortlessly finishing him off. The goblin drops a health potion which you gladly pick up. The goblins were a decent amount of experience, but not enough to level you up. You guess two easy challenges will probably do it while just one difficult challenge will be enough. You glance over and see another blue and green rune have appeared on the iron bars for you to choose.


Which elvish rune do you pick?

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