Uninterested - Camp Skylight (Chapter 1.5)

From Create Your Own Story

Previous Choice

You: Nah, let's just stick with your dorm instead!

Flora really admires your curiosity for her dorm. On the other hand, she wonders if you will like it there. Flora crouches, and flips over a doormat. There is a key attached to the bottom of it. She grabs it, and uses it to unlock the door of her dorm. It seems like it is hers after all! Once the door is open, Flora steps aside to let you have access to it.

Once inside, you notice that her dorm is in the form of a T-shape. The dorm has basic furniture, such as a few chairs, tables and closets. When you venture deeper into the dorm, you see two beds each on the side of the dorm. The left part of the dorm is decorated with magic-looking decoration. The right side however, looks like a beautiful garden! You already have a feeling where Flora would sleep. It's obvious that with 'our', she didn't mean you... sadly. You also notice that Flora locks the door for some reason.

  • Flora: Don't worry. I'm just closing it because I don't want Celeste to intervene, my dormmate.
  • You: Intervene with what, Flora?
  • Flora: With this, of course...

Flora pushes you back, onto her own bed. You position yourself a little better for the upcoming joy that most likely will happen to you. Flora climbs onto her bed, and approaches you while on her knees. She lays one hand behind your head and pushes your head onto her wall. There is no escape, and you also wouldn't dare to find an escape route. Flora takes one final step with her knee, only to move her head closer towards yours. You see Flora's beautiful eyes slowly approach your eyes, while she slowly closes them. Her lips also hit your lips, resulting into a passionate kiss. A small sense of regret shocks through your spine, as you remember that there are a lot of other girls that you could also have done stuff with. Emilia, Grace, Cynthia, Starlight or Aria for example. You could always have fun with Flora, but you're not sure whether she would appreciate it if you would fancy with other girls.

What's your decision?

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