UDX: BE16: Insist that he gives it back
From Create Your Own Story
Jess: Aren't you supposed to be taking naked Sam to the lodge?
Chris: She knows all about taking other people's things when she shouldn't.
Jess: What's that supposed to mean?
Chris: Would-
Jess: I don't fucking care just give me my book back.
Chris: No, I'm keeping it.
Jess: You're going to leave me here without my book? What the fuck am I supposed to do to entertain myself?
Chris smiles then drops Sam's unconscious and naked body on the ground.
Chris: Fine, I'll give you the book back, on one condition.
Chris doesn't elaborate any further he just unzips his pants and whips out his cock.
Do you...
UDX: BE16: Suck his dick and get your book back
UDX: BE16: Beat this loser to a pulp
UDX: BE16: Just let him keep it, this book or whatever he took is not that important to you at all