Try to take control and fuck her into submission

From Create Your Own Story

You are stronger than these mindless sub-zombies. You've proven it twice tonight. Besides, Claire's panties seem almost soaked through with her cum. You are desperate to take your turn.

You climb on to her bed and pull her panties to the side. You press your hard cock against her pink folds, she's impossibly wet and hot. You slide in slowly, just an inch, and then work back out before pressing forward again. Every time you thrust in, you go just a bit deeper, until you're completely buried inside of her. You cannot believe how warm her little cunt is, almost hot enough to hurt you like stepping into a bath that burns. But you go on, pounding into her, pulling almost all the way out just to slam back in. It feel s better than anything else you have ever felt.

You lose track of time, you could have been in her for minutes or hours before you begin to feel a though in the back of your head. It's just a passing thought at first, I should untie her but you easily ignore it. The thought comes in again though, I want to untie her but then you think how that could be a good idea. Then it to comes to you. You picture Claire on all fours on her bed. Your cock buried in her tight little pussy, her tight ass bouncing as you thrust into her. You look at the ropes around her wrists while still pumping into her warm cunt. You reach over and begin to undo the first one. Then you undo the one on her other wrists before you get back to focusing on pounding her. The though of flipping Claire over and taking her like that becomes so strong that you pull out of her, turn around and start undoing the bindings at her ankles. You just manage to do the last restraint when Claire pulls you back down onto the bed with surprising strength.

She climbs onto of you goodies your cock back into her pussy. It doesn't matter that you wanted to flip her over a second ago, that thought was gone and this is all you want now. You begin to moan as you feel your orgasm begin to build and that's when Claire's hands wrap around your throat. She instantly squeezes too hard, like a boa constrictor, the point is clearly not to please you but to kill you. At this point, you don't even notice. You keep thrusting up into her juicy pussy, trying desperately to cum. Your thrusts become wild and sloppy but she begins to cum first, you feel it and hear it. She gives a wild scream and her quim quivers around your cock. As she cums she gives your throat an even harder squeeze with both hands. Her hair falls from her face as she leans over you, you can now see a red scar-like mark crossing her face and you see her twisted features contort as she gives another scream. Something in your brain snaps and dread fills you up as the last bit of air leaves your body and everything goes dark.

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