Try to shift your spirit into Famine

From Create Your Own Story

What made you think that was a good idea?

You shift into Famine. The world goes black and you hear a voice.

When he had broken the third seal, I heard the third Living Being say, "Come!" And I saw a black horse, with its rider holding a pair of balances in his hand. And a voice from among the four Living Beings said, "A loaf of bread for $20, or three pounds of barley flour, but there is no olive oil or wine."

When you regain control of your spirit, you discover that you are inhabiting a young man whose muscles are toned by farming but withering from starvation. A memory scan of your new host reveals his name to be Michael O'Brien and the place to be 1840's Ireland. Your potato crops -- your only source of food -- have been failing.

You are possessing:
Starving Irish Farmer
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