Try to find other survivors

From Create Your Own Story

"Dear journal, well this fucking sucks. There isn't a single other god-damned person that I can find out here. Legit, there's nothing that suggests so much as one fucking person out here has survived this nuclear war bullshit. It's getting dark and cold, again. Luckily, I can actually find some shelter tonight, unlike last night, which was some bullshit right there. There are three possible shelters for the night. First one looks like some army base in the mountains. It looks pretty deserted, and quite frankly, fucking awesome. Next, there's this creepy-ass old mansion that's still standing off in the distance. I hope the rich fuckers who own it are six-feet under, or else they may not want me crashing there. Lastly, up the road is this apartment building, with only a few holes in the sides of it. The army base might have weapons, but not as easily defended as the mansion or apartments. The mansion looks pretty rad and easy to defend, but current residents might be a problem. The apartments look empty and easy to fortify, but it looks unstable."

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